Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Israel Publicizes it might attack Iran and keep it secret from U.S.

Israel Probably Won't Tell the U.S. If It's Going to Attack Iran - Yahoo! News

Granted, Israel might be out of its mind because it cannot have its way it thinks.  Therefore it pouts.  However, don't you think it very unwise to broadcast a possible strike against Iran and expect Iran to be unaware, unprepared, and intimidated?  Israel, please let Lebanon be a lesson to you.  Israel thought it would wipe out its "enemy" in a day or maybe two, but it was wrong.  Israel hit a snag, and that snag is still in existence.  If Israel uses its nuclear weapons openly out of sheer frustration or swagger, lo! the world will know it really does have them, which it denies.  Oh, may Israel use common sense and stop badgering and browbeating its friends. 

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