Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Two Penitent Thives
Two penitent thieves, Religious Turmoil and False Knowledge, were walking in the Way of Confession. Religious Turmoil said, "I thought I was right"; False Knowledge said, "I thought I was right too, but we were both wrong."
Greed. Greed never satisfies, cannot BE satisfied. You'll have enough when you find YOU. The natural you will NEVER be satisfied, because there will always be something missing. That "missing" is your TRUE SELF. Find it and you'll have recovered the lost coin or the treasure one buried in a field, forget where he buried it, gave his life trying to recover it. He did. You will.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
"Again and again, we must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force."
"I have a dream today!" : Happy 47th birthday to that day, that speech, and bless the man whom God chose to give it to us - red, yellow, black and white. Blessed are those who received it then, and try to live it out now, in spite of the divisive evil in high places, spirits of the air (they can fly you know), and SEPARATIST CONSERVATIVE venom.
Conservatives - those who preach the us and them (among themselves at least), US and THEM, every honest soul knows it. For example: the BECK rally held today was and is aimed at the BLIND and they don't even know it. But oh, they don't know they are blind; they believe only they are worthy of being God's vessels (no matter what evil lurks in their dark hearts), even though they can pick up their religion and put it down when it suits them.
Take, e.g., the CHRISTIAN DRUNK in New York City, who beat up a Muslim cab driver for being a Muslim. I said a young CHRISTIAN man beat him up - attempted murder it was - one of the Thou Shalt Nots of the 10 Commandments. Maybe it got left in Afghanistan where he was when he thought he had it but forgot he didn't. It was a hate crime pure and simple (some of us are more familiar with hate crimes than others).
Love thy neighbor as thyself took wings and flew out of the conservative camp in that taxi. Now, in case I should be accused of loving the Muslim and/or the Arab, I do, for the same reason I love the Christian, or the Buddhist, or the Hindu, or the Jew, and so on.
And, yes, the Muslim or Arab trafficked in black slaves as heartily as the white man. But somewhere we are reminded to love without hypocrisy. First, the young man fully filled the vat of his hypocrisy by questioning the taxi driver about his Muslimness (I just coined this phrase I believe).
BACK TO THE ASSEMBLY: The wolves in sheep's clothing, or those dressed as angels of Light, opted for a platform set on a "spiritual" type of stage for delivering their "message" to the clouds of a different kind of witness. They came looking to hear a word about the BOOGIE MAN, who has stolen this country from "US."
You know, the country their forefathers stole from the Indians, whom they left rotting on the many Trails of Tears large and small, or starving for lack of food because of the white man's burden or lust for blood sport (remember the buffalo? maybe even the wolf?).
The one they've relegated to the Left Hand Path is, for political convenience sake, a socialist on one hand and a commy on the other; a villain of various shades and an ignoramous to boot. They have judged him, for the purpose of adhering to their agenda, to have been born a Muslim because his daddy was one (regardless of being born to a Christian mother and reared in a Christian home). Even the erudite theologian Mr. Graham the Younger sent the word of his verdict over the wires one day last week.
But I guess this must mean that Muslim-ism is thought to be more potent than Christian-ism) and the fact that he was born in the U.S.A. And too, had the Powers not stolen Hawaii from the Queen - after assassinating her et al., there might not even be a state of Hawaii.
Thus, he never would have been able to assume the job of tackling the debilitated hundred-headed hydra; the one the US hopes with all its dark heart that he/his admin does not succeed in turning around. They are so demented by ethnocentrism, some'd rather their own utter failure than play fair in the pen.
If the day comes that separatists can separate that day 47 years ago from the IDEA of freedom (from slavery of every kind), they will WIN. Why? They will claim it means everything "other" than its true meaning, and mention the black cause in an aside if at all; MLK too, eventually.
To wit, the theme at Beck's rally. Notice the names mentioned? Notice what was said about MLK and the meaning of that event 47 years ago. Beck was intent on SEPARATING it from its true mean and making it collective or in combo with the FOUNDING FATHERS, the American military, etc.; as if they were never honored before he said it today. So, it must be that the call to honor does not mean brotherhood.
"I have a dream": Bless are those whites who died, not because they were against slavery only, but too, they rubbed elbows with the subjugated people (we still are in many ways). We're still fighting in unity for the full reality of that dream: A black man's dream or vision from God, filtered through his BLACK MAN'S brain. so he could deliver it to us.
Blessed are the blacks and absolutely every color of people and religious clime who gave themselves for the eternal cause of FREEDOM. In reality, they, and black people (in our particular slave experience) know the meaning of "we're all in this together." Every white person that gave self up for it was IN it, so they too were fighting with spiritual, not carnal, weapons, as we will do till it's over.
SO TEACH US TO NUMBER OUR DAYS ARIGHT, SO WE CAN APPLY OUR HEARTS TO WISDOM; AND ESTABLISH THE WORK OF OUR HANDS FOR US. YES, THE WORK OF OUR HANDS - ESTABLISH THOU IT (a wise man asked of God). In reality, we know who is doing the "fighting" and where our stamina comes from.
Freedom is God's eternal Idea. Being imperishable, it cannot be QUELLED, bribed, blackmailed, stolen, or killed. No dope can overcome it. Neither religious belief nor non-belief can destroy it. FROM EVERLASTING TO EVERLASTING THOU ART GOD. Thus, the Head of this battle of "all for one and one for all" is the Deity, God, or whatever the name one calls his/her personal God. He is the Guide of those who guide the human race. He is the Head of all Pure Religion. Happy Birthday to you, I Have a Dream.
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