Contrast: This is the "Way" of the Master Jesus Christ, not the way of Jehovah. You can't put new wine into old skins (Matthew 9:17). This great mom leaves the door open for the guilty to repent and "turn, so I should heal them." She refuses to be bound to the guilty by keeping his guilt bound to her unforgiveness. If he sits in prison for a lifetime, he is still free - she forgave him! She freed him, she released him. She finds honor in her son's honor. There is a highway out of sin (the word some people hate) that blinds our eyes and hardens our hearts: "He has blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts, Lest they should see with their eyes, Lest they should understand with their hearts and turn, So that I should
heal them" (John 12:40). In order words, forgive them.
It took tremendous pain to say "I forgive," contrary to what some might believe. Every family here knows this pain, every day in their own way they must in some way have to say I forgive by just moving from one foot to the other foot, straight ahead. That pain feels like one stops breathing yet keeps on breathing and must keep on. On a last note, those who usually leave in tragedies of any kind or just plain lie down to sleep, or those maimed by tragedy, are most always the most promising, the most noble, and the most needed among humankind on this planet, like all of the young people honored here. However, as Mrs. Ferguson said, "
It's in God's hands. Let his will be done." God knows why all the things that must be, must be - however senseless and seemingly useless they may be.