Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Young America in NC v. North Carolina over voting rights


Jarius Page said, '"We have a voice in our community, and it's important that we be heard, because it's our future. I believe that we should have a say."'  Well said, young man and all true, so persistently forge ahead.  If you, the young generation, do not exercise your power as a voting powerful block, you will be worse off than we are now.  That is why the opposition is devising ways to block your power.  In addition, you need to do this, young people, because the generations before you have given you a raw deal in many ways, and what's sad, because most of the ignorant ones blame their failures on the younger generation. 

America is aging.  It is good for young America and aged America to be friends for more reasons than one.  Both cohort groups have something the other can use and benefit from.  With that said, young people need to work as a coherent cohort group to ensure their own futures via education, experience, a tendency to work out any problem rather than sit around and dream, not putting forth the effort to bring about changes -- by the vote.  With your vote you can do what your opposition does not want you to do: be empowered to make things move.  Don't be deterred or derailed - persevere, young people, persevere.