Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Political wills - somebody must opt to be the adults in the mix

The Red Hen, Sarah Huckabee Sanders and the lost art of shunning - The Washington Post
Verbal ugliness is Trump and the Trumpites' tool of the rhetoric of "The Party of Trump." It makes for a nerve-jarring experience for people sensitive to humanness. Instead of promoting human goodwill, it throws us consciously back into the animal kingdom that has its own types of animals. There is no cause other than a lack of constant right-mindedness for what has been happening in the verbal arena since it became a paragon of virtue for a certain sector of Republicans. It is wrong, ethically, morally (mentally and emotionally), physically, spiritually. The whole constitution of a human being feels the negative vibrations of these kinds of inhumanity. People treat their preferred animals as they want to be treated, but not the human animals.

If I am conscious enough to know this, why would I inflict these feelings upon someone else's inner wellbeing (if they have any)? What we do and think will be reckoned with. We need to remember that every time we want to treat others as we would NOT want to be treated, we are breaking laws that we had no power to make and therefore cannot be broken by MAN. What the Devil (we are that entity) wants is to make us react in ways of darkness (in us) rather than the light (in us). Things are in the process of crystallizing in the light of the Mayan doctrine, which, in the Christian Bible, is the process of dividing the sheep from the goats (here and now).

If I treat "wrongdoers" like they treat others, how can I say that I am operating at a finer level of existence than they are? So, what would I be teaching my children? I would be teaching them to crowd the Trump-like rallies in a frenzied state of cult-like adoration. If I do you wrong because you do me wrong, who's the better angel? Neither. The time is coming when how we handle this will be all we have to stand upon when the reckoning comes, and it will. We must at all times advocate what is right and true, with dignity, respect, and power to tell the truth (NEWS MEDIA, collective citizens) that Sarah Huckabee, for example, would not want to hear, but can neglect to tell the truth at every turn and demand by the things they say - that wrong is right. But now that Huckaby has been heckled by misguided sentiments, she talks about how civility should win out - it was aimed at her person so she defends herself but not others or "them."

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Dr. Norman Finkelstein, one of Humanity’s heroes

(Jan 10, 2018) Some of us may not be familiar with the name given below. But it is enlightening, very enlightening for those who are not as well as those of us who are familiar with him. Here is a full-throated hour-long discussion about Israel's 50+-year occupation of Gaza from nonbiased ostracized Jewish Scholar, Dr. Norman G. Finkelstein, who has been dubbed a "self-loathing Jew" by the Jewish elites (for speaking truth to Jewish power and like-minded thinkers). Professor Finkelstein is a very honorable and fearless heart I feel, and I also admire his faithfulness to the human rights of all people.