Saturday, January 25, 2014

LBJ's War on Poverty versus the GOP's (Grossed Out Party) war on education, especially public education in favor of poverty

GOP leaders ignore evidence of War on Poverty’s improvements for students « Education Votes

The chief economist of the NEA said that the proposals found in this article have a common factor - the assumptions are not based on evidence, i.e., '“not evidence based.”' 

America have some staunch proponents of states rights or rather states' sovereignty:  "House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) trotted out a worn and unproven solution: private school vouchers. House Budget Committee Chairman and former vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan (R-WI) singled out public education as a central element in the perpetuation of poverty. Ryan’s recommendation: more education and housing vouchers, and greater community involvement. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), a Tea Party stalwart, proposed that federal anti-poverty funds be given to states — or in Washington-speak, block grants — to distribute as they best see fit.

Why block grants?  It is the next thing to autonomy - after the government doles out the money.  According to the head economist of the NEA, “Block grants would turn back the clock to when governors and state legislators, many of whom are prone to less evidence-based and politicized approaches, spent taxpayer money less effectively, less efficiently and particularly with less accountability.”  That is what would make them most happy and feel triumphant to a high degree.

Richard Sims, chief economist of the NEA, goes on to provide more evidence-based issues the Republicans would rather not be reminded of, or that they aim to try hard to defeat if the voters throw in the towel and say, "go ahead, ruin my life."  I understand that there are some people who already feel that life is ruined - they have their reasons but this is not one of them.  If Americans really do want America to be a third world country, all we have to do is strip Americans of the power of education, or to restrict education to a select few, and as a nation, we will have arrived at some point in the Book of Revelation.

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