HERE'S A THOUGHT: I am convinced that if people spent their years that are short and "full of trouble" living whatever religion they profess, the world would be in a better place. If people used the energy to live a religious life that they use trying to prove (by hook or crook) which one is right or wrong for everybody, they would be better off as souls and the world would be better off as neighbors. If people genuinely approached other people in the spirit of cooperation rather than with a mind to put one's own stamp on the other, they would not be harmful or harmed.
I suggest that is why so many people don't know much about whoever they profess to believe (or not, to be genuine), because they spend too much time trying to dissuade others (mostly by fear tactics) from believing in whomever they profess a faith in. Faith is to be lived, demonstrated, and shared. When we do that, Faith and its doctrine will find their place in whatever nests they please; nests that they have prepared for entry in order to lay their eggs. A Living Faith is its own testimony that it is True.
"Freely given, freely received" is the way of Faith and Love. If we approached religion from within instead of from without, there would be more unity to live a religion. There would be less aches and pains from dodging various types of weapons of mass destruction (the tongue is one) from those who want to snag an opponent or grab a possible convert.
No hijacked religion is free; no forced religion is free. They are still bound by something without rather than wound up securely and safely like a cocoon by the Self within. "The kingdom of heaven is within you," the Master said. "Only within," said Edgar Cayce.