Netanyahu says, “You want these fanatics to have nuclear weapons?" He’s a fanatic wringing the nose of the American people; he has nuclear weapons. What happened to yesterday’s message saying war not imminent ( Would that Israel would be content to run its own country and let others run theirs. But, oh, he got used to using his tactics in the past.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Saturday, September 15, 2012
An Israeli head of state discloses no pouncing on Iran at the moment
Israeli official signals no war is imminent with Iran - Yahoo! News
Well, of course Israel prefers the U.S. preempt a strike against Iran. Now, it looks like they have found a reason not to preempt – of course it is because Iran is afraid … and not that Israel has come to its senses because it could not bully ( the) U.S. to do its will. In another vein, why won’t modern Israel expose its nuclear (let alone biological and chemical) weapons? It won’t openly admit it has nukes. Yet, common sense knows some people might reason that if the only “Anglo” nation in their midst has nuclear weapons, they should have them for “peaceful” purposes without so much threatening rhetoric. Have any such threats ever been leveled against Israel in its preliminary stages of acquiring nuclear weapons? Just a thought.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Video of Conservative diatribes against President Obama, via the mouth of a six-year-old
When we really, sincerely accept the definitions of words for what they are worth, we would not want to brainwash our children as this child is. It is not pretty; it is not “smart.” It is vicious and grossly ignorant. It is very antisocial behavior that some call good, especially the conservatives that put this video up, exposing a child to their (grownups) doctrine and entrenching him in it. This is the makings of a terrorist, trained by terrorists. What is a terrorist? You decide.
This six-year-old child’s “teachers” should go to school and learn the truth about the stereotypes they teach this unfortunate child. These psychological mishaps need to come out of their little universes of baneful darkness (even the educated are socially ignorant except in their little safe zones, i.e., those they know are like them). Hopefully, someone will heal this child by helping him to “unlearn” what has been learned and is to continue unless sound reason has its way.
If unchecked, this child (shades and all) will draw to himself those like him, or make enemies from different races/ethnicities needlessly. His teachers never tell him (I guess) that more people who look like him are on welfare (public assistance) than are those like the ones he means (among other minorities) when he repeats all the stereotypes he is learning. God did not mean the likes of this when he said, "Out of the mouth of babes […]” (Psalms 8:2; Matthew 21:16). It is a pity that some Americans spawn this type of trash (not the child himself, of course) at the expense of raising, as a community, a well-nourished young child whose mind will probably be set in its present mold in another few….
Thursday, July 5, 2012
A false prophet let loose in the black community
Reverend C. L. Bryant is a false prophet set loose in the black community and the world at large (with an impressive website). He has a false doctrine that the Conservatives should love because it should be their cup of "tea." The preacher has a new documentary showing in Shreveport, Louisiana, his home town. However, he should take his false doctrine back to the Pit from whence it came, along with cohorts whoever or whatever they may be.
If ever there was a nerve-jangling attempt to arouse black America in the wrong direction, this is it. Further, it would be a huge setback in every progressive way, especially intellectually, for young and old. The doctrine of his documentary is a black cloud that makes America's true racial and socioeconomic problems opaque and muffled. Therefore, any remedy to these social problems would be false because the hypothesis or causes would be false or rendered impotent. Of all the tactics the Darkness has ever put out there that could help the status quo remain itself, this doctrine is one of them.
We are told not to judge by appearances, but to judge right-mindedly. The reverend's voice is an appearance, very cacophonous as shown in the news clip about his message in the documentary, therefore very jarring. It could make an unstable one jump up and run, not knowing which way to go but running anyway. It is purposely that way to strike fear in the heart or scramble the brain; and to arouse someone to be seduced into lots of accenting with multiple "Amens" of some sort, especially when they do not know exactly what was said, or even if it is rightly understood. Remember Jim Jones. Please, remember Jim Jones.
Bryant uses a word in his documentary, according to the clip, that I will use. He said, "Run": I say "run." Do run. Run from him and his doctrine or lose yourself in it. At any rate, you will be the slave he is talking about if you do not run ("from the very appearance of evil"). Only you will be a slave for a different reason. The black community is the grassland and the snakes are slithering in it. Snakes have legs, too. Run.
Reverend C. L. Bryant is a false prophet set loose in the black community and the world at large (with an impressive website). He has a false doctrine that the Conservatives should love because it should be their cup of "tea." The preacher has a new documentary showing in Shreveport, Louisiana, his home town. However, he should take his false doctrine back to the Pit from whence it came, along with cohorts whoever or whatever they may be.
If ever there was a nerve-jangling attempt to arouse black America in the wrong direction, this is it. Further, it would be a huge setback in every progressive way, especially intellectually, for young and old. The doctrine of his documentary is a black cloud that makes America's true racial and socioeconomic problems opaque and muffled. Therefore, any remedy to these social problems would be false because the hypothesis or causes would be false or rendered impotent. Of all the tactics the Darkness has ever put out there that could help the status quo remain itself, this doctrine is one of them.
We are told not to judge by appearances, but to judge right-mindedly. The reverend's voice is an appearance, very cacophonous as shown in the news clip about his message in the documentary, therefore very jarring. It could make an unstable one jump up and run, not knowing which way to go but running anyway. It is purposely that way to strike fear in the heart or scramble the brain; and to arouse someone to be seduced into lots of accenting with multiple "Amens" of some sort, especially when they do not know exactly what was said, or even if it is rightly understood. Remember Jim Jones. Please, remember Jim Jones.
Bryant uses a word in his documentary, according to the clip, that I will use. He said, "Run": I say "run." Do run. Run from him and his doctrine or lose yourself in it. At any rate, you will be the slave he is talking about if you do not run ("from the very appearance of evil"). Only you will be a slave for a different reason. The black community is the grassland and the snakes are slithering in it. Snakes have legs, too. Run.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Desmonte Leonard has surrendered
What a beauty and a waste. O God, please help him to live to pay for this - all his life. The Death Penalty is a more horrible type of murder that the murders and murders-at-heart call "Justice." Its name instead is "vengeance." May he live to pay. May God help all the people this touches.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Can Going Without Money Hurt the Economy? One Man's Quest to Be Penniless - Yahoo!
A happy man - with no money
I respect Mark Sundeen's opinion "That money is an illusion, an addiction," however, I disagree with it emphatically. Money cannot lead anywhere, but the love of it can: it can lead to destruction in many forms. Money is not opinionated, but the love of it is. Money is concrete but the love of money is the illusion, the addiction to itself: the love of money. The illusion is that money is worth doing anything under the sun to obtain it. The love of money seeks its feverish fix at anybody's expense. Money is necessary. Verify that with the people the world over who need it to buy food for their families because in times like these, the hungriest of families cannot find assistance because there is none or there is some other disqualification.
This is not the love of money but the dire need of it that has pushed some desperate, not greedy, folks beyond their human limits, i.e., "wits end corner" as the Bible puts it. Or ask another member of the human race who is possibly at the brink of death and cannot get medical help because of no money, and those who do all they can to keep it that way (be sure to ask about those). Why? For the Love of Money ( (The O'Jays erred in one point: that "Money is the root of all evil" when it is the love thereof that is the evil root. The love of money, being the illusion, brings about futile results in the use (or misuse) of it. The love of money cannot ever find any happiness and peace, no matter how much it lies to itself (illusion).
In addition to that, assistance programs are necessary; otherwise, there would be no federal care of any kind, which means no democracy or democratic status – or federal system - worth having. There have never been many monarchies, dictatorships, oligarchies, etc. that cared for the subsistence of the people in their realms or anywhere else as history shows. That is not what the Master would advocate. But who really cares what Jesus-Buddha or Buddha-Christ thinks? It is too non-sensational, too charitable, too boring, and so on etc. Further, those who object to them should live in third world countries (although Adrianna Huffington suggests this country is one: []). Experience sometimes must be the best teacher. However, just like “There is a River,” there is a Plan that ensures that knowledge will come, or that those who need it will have the opportunity to get it in some existence ( That is why “no man is an island” and “Physician, heal thyself” are good jewels to wear around the neck. These gems mean more than money. Again, money is necessary in the niches (rules out Death) intended for it and the wise use of it.
Lastly, I hope this peace seeker does not get food poisoning in the various avenues where he forages for sustenance. I read of a famine-struck area in Africa (probably in a National Geographic Magazine) that showed that the only way to stave off starving, hungry people ate whatever dead things they found. It probably still is in some places. The pictures are still in my mind. Those people of course did not choose to be in that position. Yet like the subject of this post, they were and still are subject to dying from some food intake that is too far gone. I also heard a little while ago that eateries can now leave their left-over foods for hungry people to eat without breaking the law. I hope so. That is a happy thought. I hope that when Mr. Suelo's teeth start falling out, he has figured out how he will remedy that because I had a head full of bad teeth. I finally was able to rid myself of them via a dentist. I hope "Penniless" one the very best as he follows his convictions.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
A neo-nazi kills himself and four others - the continuing Saga of Rage in America
I wonder if this is the same "Socialist" group the some-type-of-pundits accuse the President of being a member of! If so, the man is working against himself, truly.
And then there are the young ones. May the Light of Love have mercy on them, and on his shell. Even in all of that, the fact that he served his country can never be discounted. Were he alive he might shoot me for sport, I know, but since God is Love, that is stronger than the darkness that claimed him in the end.
Friday, March 16, 2012
‘Kony 2012′ filmmaker arrested
Technorati Tags: Politics,Invisible Children
‘Kony 2012′ filmmaker arrested in San Diego | The Envoy - Yahoo! NewsI hope this is not a ploy to discredit a worthy cause, no matter how old it is. It is still a cause, and there is still a need to stay abreast of it. Whatever the accused was doing, the accuser had to be in the same place to see it. So maybe he or she was doing it too. This really smells like a dead rat.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
English Catholics Campaign Against Gay Marriage
I wonder why, since priests love boys! When will that hypocrisy end. Oh, I forgot: by the time the church stops molesting boys.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Forgiveness, what a hard saying it is
Contrast: This is the "Way" of the Master Jesus Christ, not the way of Jehovah. You can't put new wine into old skins (Matthew 9:17). This great mom leaves the door open for the guilty to repent and "turn, so I should heal them." She refuses to be bound to the guilty by keeping his guilt bound to her unforgiveness. If he sits in prison for a lifetime, he is still free - she forgave him! She freed him, she released him. She finds honor in her son's honor. There is a highway out of sin (the word some people hate) that blinds our eyes and hardens our hearts: "He has blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts, Lest they should see with their eyes, Lest they should understand with their hearts and turn, So that I should heal them" (John 12:40). In order words, forgive them.
It took tremendous pain to say "I forgive," contrary to what some might believe. Every family here knows this pain, every day in their own way they must in some way have to say I forgive by just moving from one foot to the other foot, straight ahead. That pain feels like one stops breathing yet keeps on breathing and must keep on. On a last note, those who usually leave in tragedies of any kind or just plain lie down to sleep, or those maimed by tragedy, are most always the most promising, the most noble, and the most needed among humankind on this planet, like all of the young people honored here. However, as Mrs. Ferguson said, "It's in God's hands. Let his will be done." God knows why all the things that must be, must be - however senseless and seemingly useless they may be. Peace
Contrast: This is the "Way" of the Master Jesus Christ, not the way of Jehovah. You can't put new wine into old skins (Matthew 9:17). This great mom leaves the door open for the guilty to repent and "turn, so I should heal them." She refuses to be bound to the guilty by keeping his guilt bound to her unforgiveness. If he sits in prison for a lifetime, he is still free - she forgave him! She freed him, she released him. She finds honor in her son's honor. There is a highway out of sin (the word some people hate) that blinds our eyes and hardens our hearts: "He has blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts, Lest they should see with their eyes, Lest they should understand with their hearts and turn, So that I should heal them" (John 12:40). In order words, forgive them.
It took tremendous pain to say "I forgive," contrary to what some might believe. Every family here knows this pain, every day in their own way they must in some way have to say I forgive by just moving from one foot to the other foot, straight ahead. That pain feels like one stops breathing yet keeps on breathing and must keep on. On a last note, those who usually leave in tragedies of any kind or just plain lie down to sleep, or those maimed by tragedy, are most always the most promising, the most noble, and the most needed among humankind on this planet, like all of the young people honored here. However, as Mrs. Ferguson said, "It's in God's hands. Let his will be done." God knows why all the things that must be, must be - however senseless and seemingly useless they may be. Peace
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Protecting Women and Their Children Around the World
You got me to thinking. I think you ask too much of people unless you are addressing the countries under the umbrella of this type of abuse. It's like telling another person to run someone else's house instead of his or her own. If you think this through, you might get a little insight into why some dignitaries hesitate rather than go against another dignitary as a Rambo of some type. That's why there is the word "diplomacy," which not a lot of people have competence in. All abuse is unlike the Golden Rule and does the opposite of what it would do if carried out. Everyone is responsible for it but not for someone else's responsibility for carrying it out. That is why we work together trying to reason and persuade others that wrong is wrong, period. However, if I were to go get a weapon and kill someone who killed someone else, etc., who would be the wronged and the wrongdoer. Both I say. If we got with the people of those places and raised our voices with them, then possibly we could be their help, i.e., bring about changes enacted by laws.
About Global Motherhood
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Protecting Women and Their Children Around the World
True. Except for the kinds of people mentioned, we need people ethically powerful enough to change things for battered people. Some people really do not believe that this subject is dire enough to justify 100% protection of victims, women or children. My experience has been that authorities cared more for the abuser than the victim. That was a first-hand glimpse into what too many courts and the justice system officials really think of battered women and/or their children's conditions. Usually before someone gets up off the pot, innocent people have to be killed for them to have proof enough to justify really intervening. Otherwise, it's mostly a spat or maybe you could be wrong, perhaps. No help can come from these kinds of perceptions of what people really suffer.
About Global Motherhood
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
U.S. breakthrough(?) with North Korea still not good enough
U.S. announces diplomatic breakthrough with North Korea | The Envoy - Yahoo! News
"They said" they got these concessions but that's stll not enough; therefore, the promised aid is just that - promised. First, though, the other guy must do some more feats before it is good enough to carry out the agreement if it wants receive its prize. Wonder what will the powers that be offer Iran if anything? Oh, I forgot, the powers gave Iran and its people sanctions, with more possible one in the wing!
By the way, if we have so much "food" aid to feed other countries we bribe to get something we want, why don't we feed our own kids and grownups who need to take care of their kids? For all those who gripe about the poor people in this country - why not gripe to those who are not poor and run these kinds of activities. That is the fair and just way, not blaming the poor for being poor (who maybe at some point in their existence was not poor). We even have ministries in America trying to "feed the hungry" - in America. Yet, we can give all those pounds of food to others to have our way or have something to hold over their heads while we try to have our way.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Israel Publicizes it might attack Iran and keep it secret from U.S.
Israel Probably Won't Tell the U.S. If It's Going to Attack Iran - Yahoo! News
Granted, Israel might be out of its mind because it cannot have its way it thinks. Therefore it pouts. However, don't you think it very unwise to broadcast a possible strike against Iran and expect Iran to be unaware, unprepared, and intimidated? Israel, please let Lebanon be a lesson to you. Israel thought it would wipe out its "enemy" in a day or maybe two, but it was wrong. Israel hit a snag, and that snag is still in existence. If Israel uses its nuclear weapons openly out of sheer frustration or swagger, lo! the world will know it really does have them, which it denies. Oh, may Israel use common sense and stop badgering and browbeating its friends.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Once again, Israel testifies against itself: Israel nixes solar energy for Palestinians
Israel nixes solar energy for Palestinians - Yahoo! News
Of course, this blog will probably get nixed, but I hope not. Telling the truth about Israel is not anti-Semitic. However, anyone who tells the truth about Israel's dealings with ... runs the risk of being labeled that way. It's a very effective tool that Truth eventually will sublimate for good. NOW ...
Okay, Israel, please. Even Israel should know that things do not always last. No matter what Israel tries to do by hook or crook to keep the Palestinians from becoming autonomous in deed and not just name, it will fall by its own crookedness and obnoxious fumes of weight. How would you like it if your loved ones had no light to "read" by or milk to drink because of having to live in a "dark age" (in the 21st century at that) Just as people can, countries can do evil so long they lose their own souls (the soul of a nation), causing irreparable damage to itself.
As long as Israel can blackmail the world into letting it have its way with only a slight tap on the hand, or worse, looking away, the "international community" will remain culprits as the "blind leaders of the blind." Enough! Where is your own humanity, Israel. You remind me of the New Testament John the Baptist when he said humbly of Jesus Christ that he (John) must decrease as Jesus increased. It looks like that's the proud sentiment (backwards) of Israel: Palestine must decrease so Israel can continually increase. Israel really wants the world to call it a democracy, but more than that, it wants to be a dictatorship towards whom it wills and demand that the whole world likes it. If that is not the case, then Israel should cease to misrepresent itself. Some parts of the world have minds of their own to think with.
Monday, February 20, 2012
The Strong Survives: Grandma Stars In Dance Tribute To Whitney Houston
Grandma Stars In Dance Tribute To Whitney Houston | ABC News Blogs - Yahoo!
Oh how sweet is this! She can still dance bless her. “Oh I wanna dance with somebody. I want to feel the heat with somebody, Yes I wanna dance with somebody, with somebody who loves me.” Granny danced with somebody.
Oh how sweet is this! She can still dance bless her. “Oh I wanna dance with somebody. I want to feel the heat with somebody, Yes I wanna dance with somebody, with somebody who loves me.” Granny danced with somebody.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
The Komen Foundation has a change of heart
It is a good thing when good sense rules. Good reason is always good thinking. There is more than one kind of Karma. This entity is suffering the Cash Karma which is swift like a whip, and cuts like a two-edged sword. What you do unto others will be done unto you is a truth for all people public and private. To think that biased views could cost the lives of needy women, some of which even the culprits may love, is truly amazing. Thank heavens good sense is ruling out over politics and false pious religious sentiments and manipulation.
It is a good thing when good sense rules. Good reason is always good thinking. There is more than one kind of Karma. This entity is suffering the Cash Karma which is swift like a whip, and cuts like a two-edged sword. What you do unto others will be done unto you is a truth for all people public and private. To think that biased views could cost the lives of needy women, some of which even the culprits may love, is truly amazing. Thank heavens good sense is ruling out over politics and false pious religious sentiments and manipulation.
Friday, February 3, 2012
Komen drops plan to cut Planned Parenthood grants - Yahoo! News
Yep. Good reason is always good! God bless them.
Komen drops plan to cut Planned Parenthood grants - Yahoo! News
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Interracial Poster Sparks Controversy In South Africa (PHOTOS)
If this photo were one of a black man and a white woman, this would not be an issue even in South Africa. Otherwise, there would be no music videos depicting interracia
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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