Sunday, May 26, 2013

Choices and principles; guns and no roses

America is just one of the living proofs that people can be dead souls walking in animated mechanisms or breathing bodies.  One preacher was modest and said in his own words that New Orleans has become a type of the "walking dead." The author of this article is profoundly correct also when she says it is America herself that is spiritually dead.  When preferred preachers (dead or alive) resound from the podium that God is going to turn his back on America because ..., people applaud them as they go back out the door to do some of the same activities that God is going to turn his back on them for.  

However, another preacher (non-preferred) said in his own words the same type of things, yet the self-righteous did not applaud this messenger of God but raised their voices by octaves against him because some in America wanted to find fault with him and ostracize him.  They rallied against this John the Baptist so powerfully that even a president chimed in in concert and dis-owned the preacher in a sense, as an act of self-preservation to keep his fellowship with those self-righteous vermin, whoever, whatever, and wherever they were then and are today. 

When, in “America-stan,” the spirit of America is born or among us for probably the very first time ever since the Anglos came here and took it from the First Americans (by genocidal actions) who recognized the Great Spirit was above them, was theirs, and was their help; the "Valley of Dry Bones" will become a valley of saving and salvaging balms for all the innocents in its domain, hence “the healing of the nations.” Every human soul, for example, is a nation.  Thus, every child is a nation to be healed and saved alive in all parts of his or her being, regardless of race or ethnicity.  That balm will make us care sincerely and equally for all the “red-yellow-black-and-white, all are precious in his sight” children.   Human beings can make songs manifestly true or false.

That balm will heal all those who would rather see children (who should be the jewels of our future) gunned down and lined up in their graves whatever they be, rather than concede that something needs to be done to protect children rather than their precious self-righteous and hypocritical views of some Constitutional right they demand is theirs.  Where is the Constitutional right for children and other innocent people whose lives are devastated by their lack of compassionate desires to help save those who cannot save themselves, by advocating stricter gun laws for the sake of the children. 

When that happens, the children in other places of God's planet Earth will be safer, because the enlightened ones in America will not be seeking to kill them since children usually are in the way of who or what they want, whatever that is.  

Warnings about the doom ahead abound, they are just ignored or projected away but things do finally come to a head and cannot be changed.  All plans do not fail to do harm to those who do harm to others including their own.  And worse than that, those plans surely will and do deeply touch those complacent ones who would die for gun, not human, rights to the hope of life.  

On the other hand, these might be those who would go out and kill a pro-abortion activist as anti-abortionist solidarity with an unborn or even a possibility like a stem cell, for example.  The lives that are here are somebody else's problems until such a tragedy touches them where they hurt the most.

When America becomes a nation of true "liberty and justice for all," little children in New Orleans and Newtown, the ghettos all over rural and urban America, and those in the plushest mansions will fare better because they will not be taught the weapons of war and the sensed need for self-preservation at the expense of another who might not even have a mind to harm them.  Fear and the fearful live in Darkness, which is another type of fear (e.g., Slippin’ into Darkness”).  Who can say they love their children and justifiably rear them under this umbrella simultaneously?  

If we can receive it, when this is healed, there will be no need for America-stan (young and old) to be numbed and befuddled with drugs or any other escape goat.  Then and only then will it truly be America – in the Spirit and not just the letter.  Then it will truly be “the land of the free and the home of the brave”; no home or land bound by and identified with fear, weapons, and drugs can be free.  That is a choice.

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