A Muslim Scholar Wrote A Book About Jesus. Watch A Confused Newscaster's Brain Shut Down.
There are times when we should stay in bed and get a little more rest. Whoever laid out the plan for this anchor to interview this scholar should have thought better about the questions they had her ask him. It really shows their lack of intelligence in how to approach an intelligent man, a scholar, an academic who does what he does as an academic. It was hard to see him talk to this woman as if she is a two- or three-year-old who lacks understanding of what is going on. The problem is that Christians including the so-called ones, feel they should express themselves about every religion and religious practice with a name, but treat the subject of Jesus as if it has a patent or a copyright on it and cannot be discussed by anyone other than Christians including the Christians so-called, or at least get "permission" or "approval" from someone to discuss it.
That’s a bias that is not good in academia and media. Those people (the public) who raise objections about things like this need to educate themselves a bit in that they should read it (if affordable), study it, and not judge it without critiquing (a summary at least) for fear that, what? they might be converted to another religion or that God might zap them with lightning or something? (I know some of this scholar's works - like/don't like some maybe; I have not read this entire book yet, but I hope to get it on Audible where I can afford it.). However, I am not writing about the author's book or even the author, which is not the subject of this rendering. One of the questions said something about Jesus as God or somebody denying that Jesus is God. Fear Not.
If, I say if, people really cared about what Jesus said about himself, and not what theologians (or theology per se) say about him or the Word of God, they might come to the conclusion that, as it is written, the Master NEVER said he was God (theology does). As a matter of fact, he denied it when his fellow Jews tried to accuse him of putting himself up as God (John 10:24-38). He denied it (John 14:9 and "The Father and I are One" notwithstanding). People should read the Book in light of the Truth of it as far as can be done, because people can always reject it, saying, “Anybody could have said that and put it in red.”
That could be true because the Hand of God did not take a pen and write the words. He did as he does today by Revelation: he inspires those whom he prepares to receive it to “write” or “hear” or “see” …. For those looking for the Truth of who Jesus is, read what the Man said and hear what and who he said he is: the Son of God (in that Trinity). And besides, if Jesus the Christ were God, then, given that he would not lie to anyone, especially those who asked him questions on Spiritual things, he would have told them exactly when the end will be, rather than, "But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father" (Mark 13:32). Even Peter saw that Jesus was God's Son via a flash of Revelation Light from the Spirit on High that anointed him to see Jesus the Truth correctly: “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God” (Matt. 16:16). So be it.
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