They died; death touched them;
Death touched them in the flood.
There was a flood in Houston;
They died, the media said.
Male and female, Death took them.
They died, death touched them in the flood..
O, Wonderful One of Mercy.
Knowing you as I do,
May they have found peace in Death's approach
Toward them, and may they have dispelled all fear;
Releasing fear to the Reservoir of Light and Love within themselves;
May they have harmonized any conflicting emotions;
May they have made peace with any conflicting images;
Having released all those things that can arouse fear.
May they have seen You in Death and Death in You as it really is.
When Death touched them, having sat down, may they have reconciled
All things within themselves, all lives, all fragments of all things,
May they have reconciled all those fragments that remained such that
Nothing was lost. May they have had no fear or dread unresolved, but
Released In loving acceptance when Death sat down and touched them,
O, Wonderful One of Mercy!
In Death, may the last thing they saw was Your Presence (He, She, or It).
I did, time and again, some were more sure Deaths than others.
I saw Death every time, yet Death did not touch me - he did not sit down.
Yet, even had I died, life and death are alike to you, I know.
I know because I have survived to tell it, to dream about it, time
And again. I found out for myself that Death is a friend, not an enemy.
A dying man whom I love and respect related the truth of the friendship of
Death to me, which was just a verification of what I already knew.
To my dad, the "settled old man" was seated in different areas of
The dwelling place he inhabited at the time, which place he said,
"The settled old man moves closer and closer, seated in his chair in different
Corners. He go'n boss somebody in this trailer" (as he pointed to a
Certain corner of the rooms). The old man was always seated in my
Dad's mind's eye. When he pointed to him, I saw the old man only through
Dad's eyes, but I knew as surely as I lived, Death sat there watching us
Watching him. Dad was happy about that, and that Death was his friend.
Then, one evening Death got up, came toward my dad, and touched
Him as I sat in a chair beside his bed.We had just had our very last
Talk, even though he could not do anything but grunt and search my eyes
Through his dying ones. He understood me when I told him that nothing
Mattered but Life and Love, where I shared with him that he was going.
Dad fell back onto the bed in peace, never saying another grunt. A short while
later, Dad let out a loud sigh, and then, after lying there in his Spiritual peace, he
Surrendered to the settled old man, willing, and with amazing grace.
He knew he left behind an overwhelming flood of troubles. But with my help,
He made peace with all of that. He accepted it as it was, as I did many years before.
They died, Death touched them.
Death touched them in the flood.
They died, the media said,
They died, Death touched them,
And wading through the waters,
Death took them to You. Amen. OM
Death touched them in the flood.
There was a flood in Houston;
They died, the media said.
Male and female, Death took them.
They died, death touched them in the flood..
O, Wonderful One of Mercy.
Knowing you as I do,
May they have found peace in Death's approach
Toward them, and may they have dispelled all fear;
Releasing fear to the Reservoir of Light and Love within themselves;
May they have harmonized any conflicting emotions;
May they have made peace with any conflicting images;
Having released all those things that can arouse fear.
May they have seen You in Death and Death in You as it really is.
When Death touched them, having sat down, may they have reconciled
All things within themselves, all lives, all fragments of all things,
May they have reconciled all those fragments that remained such that
Nothing was lost. May they have had no fear or dread unresolved, but
Released In loving acceptance when Death sat down and touched them,
O, Wonderful One of Mercy!
In Death, may the last thing they saw was Your Presence (He, She, or It).
I did, time and again, some were more sure Deaths than others.
I saw Death every time, yet Death did not touch me - he did not sit down.
Yet, even had I died, life and death are alike to you, I know.
I know because I have survived to tell it, to dream about it, time
And again. I found out for myself that Death is a friend, not an enemy.
A dying man whom I love and respect related the truth of the friendship of
Death to me, which was just a verification of what I already knew.
To my dad, the "settled old man" was seated in different areas of
The dwelling place he inhabited at the time, which place he said,
"The settled old man moves closer and closer, seated in his chair in different
Corners. He go'n boss somebody in this trailer" (as he pointed to a
Certain corner of the rooms). The old man was always seated in my
Dad's mind's eye. When he pointed to him, I saw the old man only through
Dad's eyes, but I knew as surely as I lived, Death sat there watching us
Watching him. Dad was happy about that, and that Death was his friend.
Then, one evening Death got up, came toward my dad, and touched
Him as I sat in a chair beside his bed.We had just had our very last
Talk, even though he could not do anything but grunt and search my eyes
Through his dying ones. He understood me when I told him that nothing
Mattered but Life and Love, where I shared with him that he was going.
Dad fell back onto the bed in peace, never saying another grunt. A short while
later, Dad let out a loud sigh, and then, after lying there in his Spiritual peace, he
Surrendered to the settled old man, willing, and with amazing grace.
He knew he left behind an overwhelming flood of troubles. But with my help,
He made peace with all of that. He accepted it as it was, as I did many years before.
They died, Death touched them.
Death touched them in the flood.
They died, the media said,
They died, Death touched them,
And wading through the waters,
Death took them to You. Amen. OM
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