Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Israel must be surveilling even the Palestinian people’s privacy

Whoever demands that Zionist Israel is a democracy is in serious need of a moral makeover in that a democracy is not an authoritarian country, a fascist country. I won’t suggest Israel is a dictatorship because there are too many bosses in the mix, i.e., those working on finishing the genocide of Palestine. Israel is a dictator in the sense that it can dictate to the occupied people what they can and cannot do in their own homes, and their own communities, such as celebrate birthdays, use Palestinian flags, and celebrate the release of Palestinian hostages (prisoners).

For example, I watched Israel put so much more fear in the children it released from its Gitmo these last six days by threatening them with harm if they so much as had more visitors than the war machine said it could have.  The first two days saw much revelry and joyful noises in the Palestinian West Bank as loved ones were released. Israel demanded that there was to be no festivities, but the Palestinians hugged and kissed each other anyway. They paid dearly. On the fifth fourth or fifth night, the Devil in Israel devised a way to have its way with the will of the Palestinian people: It holds the released hostages in prison while it gives them, women and children, orders about what to do when they get out, then release them late at night or before day.

On several occasions, the children were only released into the hands of their parents who were told to go home, i.e., no celebration. People are afraid to make a sound for fear that Israel will break through the doors as they have done. One journalist and extended family members were expelled from one releasee’s home. Those released last night were so afraid it is disheartening to know that those sadists are breathing the same air as the innocent children and adolescents that Israeli forces terrorize. 

The parents must abide by the dictates of the fascists to protect their children and themselves. They are warned constantly that they can be returned to prison on a whim by Israel. I thought about why it is that Israel seems to know every move the Palestinians make and everything that goes on in their homes: Israel is spying on, and surveilling the occupied territory. That is the darkness the international community is funding, especially the U.S.A.


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