Monday, May 27, 2024

Israel's Eighth Decade of Living on the Stolen Land of an Occupied Palestinian People

Israel's Eighth Decade of the Creation of the State of Israel

 Israel's approaching its end, it's said. Modern Israel is in the third "Eightieth Year Curse" or its Eighth Decade of existence as a State and illegal occupier of the land which Gentiles and converted Jews (Gentiles) stole from the Indigenous people of Palestine or Caanan. Its lethal occupation of the Palestinians curse has been a curse to themselves.

Israel Massacres 40-41 people in a tent city it deemed safe for desparate, displaced people to go.

Israel has indeed, again and again, defied all the supposedly "official humanitarian and political agencies. Sunday, Israel dropped bombs on a civilian tent city that Israel declared a safe zone for displaced Palestinians.

Now, Israeli demented "heads" try to save face because they are wary of the ICC and IJC, since its lapdog, the United States President Joe Biden, has not bribed the prosecutors into dropping the charges. This would be tragic because Israel already has the rights from the international community (rich, white people) to further its Genocide of the Palestinian People. 

Israel has killed 36 Palestinians so far

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Israel collects Red Cows from the US in preparation for purifications to build the Third Temple

 There shall be no more bloodletting; no more blood sacrifices for sin; no more blood to make one clean – washing in it or sprinkling in or on anything or drinking it – God forbid. All that will be done has been done. Imagine having to live life under Numbers 19 among others, especially Leviticus.

Micah 6:6-8 KJV 6 Wherewith shall I come before the Lord, and bow myself before the high God? shall I come before him with burnt offerings, with calves of a year old? 7 Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams, or with ten thousands of rivers of oil? shall I give my firstborn for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul? 8 He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? Jubilee Bible 2000: 6 ¶ With what shall I present myself before the LORD, and how shall I worship the high God? shall I come before him with burnt offerings, with calves of a year old? 7 Will the LORD be pleased with thousands of rams, or with ten thousands of rivers of oil? shall I give my firstborn for my rebellion, the fruit of my bowels for the sin of my soul? 8 He has declared unto thee, O man, what is good and what the LORD requires of thee: only to do right judgment, and to love mercy, and to humble thyself to walk with thy God. (androgyne/hermaphrodite)
cf: Matthew 22:28-32 KJV, … 30 “For in the resurrection they [the living] neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven. 31 But as touching the resurrection of the dead, have ye not read that which was spoken unto you by God, saying, 32 I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living.”

Thursday, February 1, 2024

President Joe Biden Visits the UAW in Warren, Michigan

 "Shortly after arriving in the Midwestern state, Biden stopped at They Say restaurant in Harper Woods, Michigan, to work the lunch crowd, shaking hands, chatting with customers and posing for photos.

The Biden campaign said he met Black faith leaders there.

He then went on a UAW union hall in Warren, Michigan, where UAW members plan to work a phone bank on his behalf ahead of the state's Feb. 27 nominating contest."

 In listening to some of the protest speakers on the Arab-Muslim side, I feel Joe Biden is underestimating the coming (sense of doom to me) election. I also think the president is underestimating the power of his grip on the Black community in that he got this endorsement and he counts on the Black faith-based cohort, but what about all those individuals, in the church house and out of it, who are waiting to do something drastic or nothing at all - still more drastic.

 I will vote for Joe Biden for the sake of the Blue vote and to stave off AUTHORITARIANISM, but I wish that Senator Bernie Sanders (or anybody else) had the strength to compete with Joe Biden and win. I believe he'd win this time. This country now has a permanent stain in the form of all the pictures (among other things) that can be looked upon where Israel, Joe Biden, and the rest of the willing West, have demolished the occupied territories to a great extent. I heard one protester say that for the sake of the long term, they'd rather endure four more years of Donald Trump's insanity (my words) rather than elect Joe Biden for a second term.

 If Trump wins the 2024 election, that would devastate Black people because they will most likely lose the votes their ancestors died for - for example, they died in boiling pots, by bonfire, by lynching and lynching while burning, decapitation, fatigue from the weight of the unbearably heavy chains, and so many other kinds of death. But that's how angry a large, large portion of America is about the Genocide that Israel is carrying out with impunity - defying every high thing and low one, too.

  Israel is a lawless wonder in a lawless land filled with lawless people (e.g., the lawless settlers); a land that claims to be a democracy when it is a fascist state from the beginning of its creation. Joe Biden and other blind bats cater to fascists while parading as paragons for democracy. Joe Biden is a Zionist. He suggests a man with no conscience at all and therefore cannot register what suffering really is, and one who can politicize it to the extreme such that he is insensitive to the cries of a land of indigenous people whom he counts as expendable to their last breath. If not in this generation, in the next, or even the next, this time in history will be called to account for its deeds.


Tuesday, January 9, 2024

The 2024 Presidential Election is Jeapordized by Joe Biden's Part in Israel's Genocide massacres of Palestinians

Ezekiel 33:1-6 The Watchman and His Message  Again the word of the Lord came to me, saying,

 “Son of man, speak to the children of your people, and say to them: ‘When I bring the sword upon a land, and the people of the land take a man from their territory and make him their watchman,

 when he sees the sword coming upon the land, if he blows the trumpet and warns the people,

 then whoever hears the sound of the trumpet and does not take warning, if the sword comes and takes him away, his blood shall be on his own head.

 He heard the sound of the trumpet but did not take warning; his blood shall be upon himself. But he who takes warning will [a]save his life.

 But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet, and the people are not warned, and the sword comes and takes any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at the watchman’s hand.’

Black churches need to keep Joe Biden out of their pulpits unless they are complicit in what he stands for in Palestine. Black people must be deeply critical thinkers in this aspect. For example, when white people want to malign Black people because they are doing something good for their community and therefore society (Black Lives Matter for example), they label them as "Marxists". When Black people stand for a white man and the world of white men (the West - Gentiles - they are standing for everything this false Israel feeds them from the caldron - stop eating from that Zionist caldron. A huge number of young Black people won't eat from it - thus the Ancestors acknowledge them and will help them solidify their moral consciousness and deepen their power of conscience - a sacred tool. If they contribute their vote on the side of democracy, that will be a good and needed thing. However, I understand deeply why some may not vote. I urge them to vote for democracy, Blue, no matter what they feel and know about Joe Biden that they need to know before they vote. However, if we lose this democracy, Black people probably will never vote again if white supremacy says so.

We need to wake up, Black Americans if we are asleep. Don't fight against yourselves, against your own community. We are not far removed from where the Palestinians are now – we were killed with impunity and dogged for 400 years. Black slaves felt every pain the Palestinians feel now, only the magnitude of it is different, and Black slaves didn’t have the beautiful creations that are being demolished in Israel’s effort to erase a race of indigenous people. Yes, we can vote Blue, but we don't have to be amid the fascist Zionist Biden. Don't vote for Biden/Harris for their sake, use their ballot to vote for Democracy for the children's sake. We have a hard dilemma in 2024. We are presented with two immoral and amoral candidates for the presidency. A person possessed of him or herself can own that these are both evil in their long-practiced areas of expertise, but The People are not them. The People must vote for the preservation of democracy, hoping it lasts even after Blue Cap wins.

Nothing is certain except that the tides of evil never sleep. If evil did sleep, this Israel would not be acting out Nazi Germany today in the spirit of Anti-Christ. America's children must rely on us to fight for a democracy for them, but Joe Bidin is completely jeopardizing this democracy for Devilish Israel, which cares nothing for America or anybody else but itself and what it can get from its cult members including many of the blindsided Arabs in the world today, some of whom traitorously forsook recommending statehood for Palestine but not for Israel.

People of Color don't belong in that Cult or don't have any business eating from its coffin - oops, I meant cauldron. What is happening to the Palestinians is a world sign of what can happen to Black/non-white people (again), and the laws written to protect humanity were written by white men for white people. If that were not the case, every law in the book - from the UN to the WHO, would not have been broken by White Israel with the White West making sure the Zionists can kill occupied people in an occupied land with impunity thanks to Joe Biden.

Black people need to be advocating for Palestine, even while knowing that Blacks are very much snubbed by non-Black Arabs. We must do unto others because we see that enough Arabs won't stand up for their own. We must stand for those who do stand for something, including the Jews for Peace). ("If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything," said Apostle Charles O. Miles). Black people, stand up against fascism, occupation, apartheid, and imperialism - all of these are mortal ENEMIES of the Black race. Wake up if you are asleep, stand up if you are awake, and throw off the lethargy if there be any - especially on election day. Vote For The Sake of All of America's Children. Black churches need to keep Joe Biden out of their pulpits unless they are complicit in what he stands for in Palestine. He's unequivocally on the side of Zionist (Capitalist) Israel, being a self-proclaimed Zionist himself. Don't stand with Israel and fall at the feet of white supremacists, fascists, and Nazis.


Mark 8:34-38 KJV [34] And when he had called the people unto him with his disciples also, he said unto them, Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.

For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel's, the same shall save it.

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?

Whosoever, therefore, shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed [of you], when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Hamas promoted as a Genocidal Threat to Zionist Israel

Supposedly highly educated people have conceived of the concept of an occupied people having the power in military might and will, to commit genocide against the occupier of that land or people, which power has superior warfare – air-land-sea-chemical-nuclear.

The president of supposedly the greatest and most powerful country ever to have existed, some have claimed, has uttered that concept this week while speaking to his audience (which includes the world). President Joe Biden has prostituted himself to Israel (many do) to the extent that he has been bought up and out - while funding Israel as its enabler of apartheid, white supremacy, and occupation work - an evil and dark-minded work as any other occupation ever was. Incidentally, the U.S. is still an occupier of indigenous land where it relegated its people to reservations, with the help of its white supremacist ingrate and greedy settlers, in its early career as an established white supremacist country.

It's saddening to listen to those in the White House talk about appreciation for a pause and for humanitarian aid to be successfully delivered to the hungry and destitute, but not in Gaza. Had it not been for Hamas' advocation for the people of Gaza, the aid would not have been made available to them promptly as direly needed. The parakeets helped Israel pass the buck on whose fault it was that the second-day delay in handing over hostages and by extension, the Palestinian hostages in Israel's prisons, didn't come off exactly as planned.

Only President Biden admits that (1) he is glad about the truce and the humanitarian aid, along with the exchanging of hostages on both sides and (2) that Israel is slated to resume its genocidal work after the end of the truce, which is not a ceasefire since Israel is still committing genocide elsewhere in an occupied land. However, even if there were guidelines about the legality and illegality of activity under a ceasefire, Israel would not recognize it - Israel has never realized lawful requirements since the day it was created - and especially even before that. Israel is a lawless wonder and laughs in the face of justice and the rule of law - because it is allowed to for ghastly reasons.

U.S. President Biden eagerly offers hope for a further extension of a truce, but why, when in his next breath, he reassures us who fund Israel's 75-year-old apartheid, occupation genocidal war against the indigenous Palestinians, that the victims will not have time to enjoy a moment after the ceasefire ends, echoing Netanyahu's warlords. They vow that the continuation will be nothing like the Palestinian victims have seen before. Their sadism plans to make the people suffer even more if that is possible. The evilest thought I think is that the victims will choke to death on the food if they don't first die from the bombs, dozers, and sea warfare they vow to use on the hapless people "by land air, and sea". Israel doesn't admit to using chemical warfare on the Palestinians, but Israel is the greatest liar; instead, believe the words of the true witnesses and victims - doctors and citizens.

Friday, December 22, 2023

UN Security Council Resolution 1029 (12-22-23), What it Says and What it Means

Winter is coming,” says Ned Stark in S1Ep1 of GOT

UN Resolution 1029, largely rendered ineffective by the US

After the latest resolution of the UNSC, Israel is all-powerful than ever with the aid of US veto power. After the US rejected several earlier resolutions because of “wording,” the US finally “yessed” this diluted (at US direction) version, which is vague and will allow for much evil by the Anti-Crist – Zionist Israel. Because the US overruled any words like “cease,” the US left an open “loophole” that Israel will use to continue its genocide of the Indigenous Peoples of Palestine.

Israel will be in a perfect position to continue its relentless bombardment of the Palestinian people while telling gullible people that it wants a week’s truce, but Hamas does not. Israel only reluctantly relented and seeks a truce with a “demand” for the release of all hostages held by Hamas, yet Israel has not agreed to release ALL Palestinian prisoners (which is another story when and if Israel passes into law a bill that allows the death penalty for them at Israel’s discretion). The UNSC Secretary and the UN Ambassador, among others, demand the release of all hostages held by Hamas, yet none of them addresses the eight to ten thousand prisoners held in the Israeli Guantanamo Bay.

Hamas said after Israel resumed bombing after the humanitarian cease-fire and exchange of Israeli and Palestinian prisoners, that there would be no more exchanges except at the end of the war on Gaza and all occupied land – ALL for ALL. Of course, Israel wants its citizens released because the families (especially after the IDF assassins killed three unarmed, white-flag-hoisting citizens) have let him know what they think of him and what they demand. They have become so potent an opposition that Netanyahu came out disclosing his willingness for another temporary truce.

Now, Ms. Thomas-Greenfield (for whom I have no respect at all) is positing that Israel wanted it all along and that Hamas is the hold-out criminal. All this is a lie, it’s a double standard. Hamas wanted a complete prisoner-hostage swap from the beginning. Israel took this opportunity to continue to commit genocide, ethnic cleansing, and mass murdering of a whole nation of brown people – who have no value among the white nations - not like the tormented white people in Ukraine do. The different reactions of the White nations and a few countries to these two starkly different cultures can’t be overlooked.

"Winter is here" (Sansa, S6E10 of GOT)

By the end of February 2024, if there has been no deliverer whether human or divine to intervene and end this war Israel wages on Palestine, Israel’s intent and purpose will have been completed: death by ethnic cleansing or genocide of Palestinians by bodily freezing, white phosphorus burning them away (, buried by the blasts of bombs that shatter the places they take refuge in and thus they become smashed, squashed, smelted into and under the concrete, smothered under dirt and heavy shrapnel of Israeli power. Famine. 

 The Angel of Death has a seat at the end of this evil genocide. If no help comes, he will stand up because the innocents will all be dead by then for lack of water, food, heated shelter, warm clothing, necessary hygiene facilities to ward off diseases of all kinds; no water to wash wounds; no medicine to apply to a newborn’s body; no sanitary resources for women and girls to avoid various feminine diseases; no “personal spaces” for psychological reconstitution and restitution that helps keeps the central nervous system, all vital organs, and the immune system in better condition – condition to fight off all kinds of diseases; no “down-time” to spend quality time with family, children, friends, and community, which all promote mental health. Meanwhile, Death sits quietly in a corner and waits for a solution.