Friday, February 18, 2011

Nothing New Is It? Medicare Fraud, $225 million Worth

111 charged in Medicare scams worth $225 million - Yahoo! News

It's about time for unlearned people to become learned about this subject.  May then they will stop blaming the poor and sick, or just plain poor, and the disabled, for being a drain on the system.   Pretty soon people will start blaming retirees for living long enough to retire and get what is rightfully theirs.  This type of fraud is nothing new.  It is just not hunted down and punished enough.   These types of people have drained this country's Medicare/Medicaid system since its installment.  For those people who put so much time in trying to cut services for the ones who need it, why not go after yourselves and your buddies, stop stealing, and stop blaming the wrong people for this travesty. 

@Fun.  What in the world do the unions have to do with rich people stealing from the Federal Assistance Programs?   Those who, like you, dread the unions, are dissatisfied because you know they won't let you roll them over, or that in some instances they might roll you over first.  Put the blame where it belongs, (if you have the courage), on the ones named in this disclosure.

It is truly amazing that some people are so against the health care bill when it would at some point help the people who are against it.  For sure, if this country allows the Conservatives to make the welfare system private, fraud and embezzlement will get even worse.  The government has always allowed too many loopholes in the system for people who know how to rob us blind, and blame the people mentioned in my previous blog for needing the system.  If we allow the rich to rob those in need via the ballot box, then we deserve whatever we get.  Those who bypass the ballot box for whatever reason they can conjure up, have no say in it anyway.  That is too piteous. There's something in a vote for everyone.  If the rich get control of this system, it's out of the government's hands and we have no advocate, such as it is, at any rate.

@ GreatExpectations
I can appreciate your sentiment, but that is the wish of those who want control over how much is paid to whom.  I suggest that is one of the reasons jobs went to other countries - cheap labor.  We advocate that America be educated for the workforce, etc., but when it comes to unions, those in power want no part of it because they cannot control the wages of unions.  If companies could control what unions do and did not have to negotiate with unions about benefits of any sort, there would not be such an aversion to unions.   Unions did not take away jobs in America, corporations did.  I believe you are right in that were there no unions, more jobs would be available in America because more corporations might keep jobs at home, since they could control the wages of employees. 

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Obama To Cut Energy Assistance For Poor; Kerry Urges Him To Reconsider

Obama To Cut Energy Assistance For Poor; Kerry Urges Him To Reconsider

Thank God for you, Senator Kerry.  There are a few voices of Reason and Compassion afoot.  Now here's a deep thought I had to myself:  Why don't the people that have the means to do it but not the will, take Uncle Sam's huge hat, pass it around the rich round table, or maybe it's a rectangle or something, and take up a collection to fund these concerns.  Here's the purpose, Mr. President, just in case it is really true that you are going along with or proposing this atrocity yourself:  

Take up a collection on behalf of these citizens of this country - citizens no less than the ones who own most of the money and everything else in the country and maybe the world:  (1)  all of the old people, our parents, grands and great-grands and more; (2) all of the little and not-so-little children of this country; (3) the sick, you know, those, the majority of whom cannot eat and pay bills, afford medical care and medicines, too; (4) the disabled (the sick) who can't keep a job either, because they are NOT able; (5) the jobless (these named belong to them in some way) who cannot find a job through no fault of their own, but the need for money for livelihood never fails; (6) the shut-in, too sick to move enough to take care of themselves - thus shut-in - they could freeze to death in their immobile states during the winter, and suffocate in their stillness during the summer.  It would be a murderous thing to doom people to what they will suffer because they are the expendable ones.  

The passing around of a legislative collection plate would solve a lot of problems that greed will not because it does not want to.  Surely some soundness should prevail here.  Only those who have become so desensitized by misuse of the goods of this globe, and by the (for some) unlawful and dishonest accumulation of them, have a lack of concern for those less fortunate than themselves, and therefore, their hearts don't bleed for the pain these political actions cause.  They can tune it out - poof - it's not there.  This ranks atop many, many injustices against the poor that can be named.   If we do not care for our own, who's going to care for us when the time comes - it will come.  

"Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap" (Galatians 6:7), whether we believe it or not. 

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Whitney Houston Sounds Great During Surprise BET Performance - Yahoo! Music - Yahoo! Buzz

Whitney Houston Sounds Great During Surprise BET Performance - Yahoo! Music - Yahoo! Buzz
Whitney Houston, like so many other people all over the world, fell to the glitter of false gold.  Many of us do.  That gold is not the block we can hold with our hands or see with our eyes necessarily, or take to the bank and convert into money, but it is the lust of the eyes and the flesh, the restlessness, boredom, and foolishness that can entice us into experimenting with things, thoughts, and places to go that we shouldn't.  I understand she started using drugs as a youngster with her crack-head brother(s).  For so long, she was able to hide her addictions and deviance, but we cannot hide what won't stay hidden.   

I was saddened the day I heard she had fallen for BB, the womanizing bipolar drug thug.  I had a bad feeling from the inception of that tragic relationship.  When she deluded herself into seeing that connection as a worthwhile challenge, she was inviting the darkness to completely take her over - in the form of love for an undeserving man.  One must continually move farther and farther from the Light to end up there for so long.  She made an unbalanced exchange.  Even if she is completely clean, she will continually be still considered on the pipe or some other hype, as most of these comments attest to.  The proof that God hasn't forsaken Whitney is, beside herself, her daughter, who is a beautiful young lady. 

Lovely roses can spring from cesspools and dustbins, such as that relationship was, and Whitney could not escape it without much pain, danger, loss of money, friends, and a livelihood for such a long time.  Maybe she'll be forgiven as readily as the Britney-type people of the world.   Some people would have just died from the sheer exhaustion of the things she endured and still does.   As we all do or have done in the past somewhere in our existence, she set about to bring down her own house, herself.  Also, no lone culture can be blamed for the drug-induced hell that some of the living exist in. 

The Devil is like God in the sense that he's willing to take anyone that comes to him.   Whoever yields to his suggestions and invitations will fall by them - the high, low, and in-between.  Some people fall way down into hell, and come back by God's Grace.  Further, he doesn't always allow them to look or sound like where they have been.  On the other hand, some who have once made their beds in hell, come back looking like rocky road and sounding like a toad in multiple ways.  God knows why, because both are brought back by Grace.  At any rate, they have been somewhere any sane person would not want to go, and would do everything to stay away from. 

I don't believe Whitney is leftover fodder for the church house as a washout.  It's a pity that usually only when people have been down in the depth of humiliation, they are thought suitable for God's purpose, for example, like having nothing better to do, or that nothing else would have them, forgetting or ignoring that we were made for good purposes, and we don't have to wallow in the Pit to become fit for what we are already prone to do - follow after light without distraction, or with determination as we hope others the best.  I hope the Whitney songbird the best.  All it takes is her willingness to receive it, and suffer her past mistakes until it hurts no more.  Love and Light are that kind to us.