Obama To Cut Energy Assistance For Poor; Kerry Urges Him To Reconsider
Thank God for you, Senator Kerry. There are a few voices of Reason and Compassion afoot. Now here's a deep thought I had to myself: Why don't the people that have the means to do it but not the will, take Uncle Sam's huge hat, pass it around the rich round table, or maybe it's a rectangle or something, and take up a collection to fund these concerns. Here's the purpose, Mr. President, just in case it is really true that you are going along with or proposing this atrocity yourself:
Take up a collection on behalf of these citizens of this country - citizens no less than the ones who own most of the money and everything else in the country and maybe the world: (1) all of the old people, our parents, grands and great-grands and more; (2) all of the little and not-so-little children of this country; (3) the sick, you know, those, the majority of whom cannot eat and pay bills, afford medical care and medicines, too; (4) the disabled (the sick) who can't keep a job either, because they are NOT able; (5) the jobless (these named belong to them in some way) who cannot find a job through no fault of their own, but the need for money for livelihood never fails; (6) the shut-in, too sick to move enough to take care of themselves - thus shut-in - they could freeze to death in their immobile states during the winter, and suffocate in their stillness during the summer. It would be a murderous thing to doom people to what they will suffer because they are the expendable ones.
The passing around of a legislative collection plate would solve a lot of problems that greed will not because it does not want to. Surely some soundness should prevail here. Only those who have become so desensitized by misuse of the goods of this globe, and by the (for some) unlawful and dishonest accumulation of them, have a lack of concern for those less fortunate than themselves, and therefore, their hearts don't bleed for the pain these political actions cause. They can tune it out - poof - it's not there. This ranks atop many, many injustices against the poor that can be named. If we do not care for our own, who's going to care for us when the time comes - it will come.
"Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap" (Galatians 6:7), whether we believe it or not.
"Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap" (Galatians 6:7), whether we believe it or not.
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