Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Not the Only U.S. Education Scandal, But It's Said to be the Biggest

America's biggst teacher and principal cheating scandal unfolds in Atlanta - Yahoo! News

@Super Dog.  In case you mean that correct grammar and reasonable writing skills are reserved for "white folk" (or that some of them think they are), I suggest that you don't read much - if at all.  On the other hand, if you're justifying that others should not care about "errors" in any type of language usage, that's demeaning the "others."  There was a time when people white and black would be killed for providing avenues for "slaves" to learn because education is one of the first steps in shaking off slavery.  Nowadays, truly it is hard to tell the difference is most cases.  Not only are minorities being devastated by the education system in America but the ones whose forebears did not allow slaves to get one back then (if they got it they stole it at the risk of their lives).  It's suggestive of "as you sow, so shall you also reap" turning in upon us. 

I advocate this:  whoever stands on the blind side of ignorance is ignorant.  Whoever is for learning, which could include little green or even purple kids or grownups (many are illiterate), then that sentiment comes from on High.  Only antisocialism wants people to be ignorant or tries to keep others ignorant.  That is proof that true education is not involved.  It is a pity for any Race under the sun to want to be different so much that that Race (or some elements of it) would want to wear the badge of illiteracy or enforce illiteracy upon another (if only by making one feel guilty for wanting to learn and "know").  It is very antisocial behavior. 

No man is an island; ignorance can affect/effect me and anyone else.  If that is the case, then education will do the same thing.  Anyone who is ashamed to be educated is on the wrong planet I say.  One last thing, God did not give it to any sole entity to monopolize or OWN the goodness he gives - education is one.  Only those mentioned somewhere in the above would purport that or demand that it is so.   In the last analysis, though, God always gets the last laugh and the last word.  Peace.

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