Sunday, September 26, 2010

Stephen Colbert Hearing (VIDEO): Updates From Colbert's Visit To Congress

Stephen Colbert Hearing (VIDEO): Updates From Colbert's Visit To Congress

S. COLBERT SPEAKS TO CONGRESS.   I'm glad Colbert made someone think & possibly mad.   He is a very funny guy and I like him.  When he talked about being bent over picking veggies, I know what he means.  I grew up in the days of picking cotton, missing lots of school.  Bending over all day hurt my back as a youngster.  I have a deteriorating spine today.  I believe it started back then.  I've picked corn at harvest time, long rows with seemingly no end; just like the cotton rows.  

Before technology took over, my siblings and I had to clean out chicken houses, instead of going to school.  The terrible ammonia  and dust we breathed are a lasting reminder of that kind of work.  I was glad when we lost that job because chicken-house owners started using automatic cleaners whatever they were.  I didn't care.

I know how the workers who do those kinds of hard  tasks feel.  I have always been sorry that they are exploited as they are in America.  It is a sin against fairness.  The rich people, farmers among them, who gripe about illegal immigrants today, started the whole thing when they decided to bypass Americans whom they knew they would have to pay higher wages.  They sneaked in  the ones whom they could exploit.  Then it got out of hand, illegal immigrants started sneaking themselves in.

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