Thursday, September 9, 2010


It is a beautiful day today, as all days are, rain or shine. I'm feeling great since I made my decision to stand my ground by leaving the scene. This will be the last time. It is a very sad and wasted life when one claims to know God, yet deny Him, His Son, His Comforter.

I'm happily in flight - away from the very appearance of ignorance (aka evil, sin, darkness). I labored in the midst by standing my ground, because I am a lover. I love my God, who is OM-, OM-, and OM-; I love His creation - thus, I love myself.
For ten (10) years of claiming among a "church" FEW, that God is no weakling; the minds with whom I contended in love for the Faith, still rejects that he is almighty able to save us and keep us saved. But, one must be saved first - "that is the rub." They sincerely think I should listen to them (because they love me!).
That renders every word they say in one moment a lie the next moment. It always comes back to "you can't be sure you're right" and "I believe you can be saved AND lost again." But none ever dared to use Scripture, which would say contrary to that belief; and they never accepted the Scripture when sharing it was presented or explained.
Of all the Scriptures of the world that I have studied these many years, which God gave to all the different types of souls he created, to guide them in their eternal pilgrimage, do not declare that he is inept after all. Oh, and none would dare try to convict anyone what process that feeble God would have to go through to try to re-save the deluded at some point in time. No one ever accepted that challenge by using the Books. And that is the Witness against them.
For example, in the Christian Bible's Book of Hebrews, the Spirit of the Book said it's impossible for St. John 3:16, and "it is finished," to be REPEATED, being a once-for-all accomplishment by the Majesty On High. They gloss over it and explain it away to themselves.
Truly, I would neither acknowledge nor serve a Savior who could not keep me saved - from the guttermost to the uttermost. Either my God is able to do for me what I cannot do for myself or the Books that put forth all those claims are false witnesses. That same Christian Book said somewhere in Romans when someone was gainsaying the Deity, Paul said that ... let every man be a liar so the Word of God is true. That is, whom do you choose to believe, man or God?
Thus, I chose to stand with all the Books that assures me that Deity, God, Savior, Buddah, Christna or Krishna, Allah or any other name is able to do what It promises through all the sons that were sent, being fulfilled in the One who said he'd send the Comforter to those who would receive it - and did it.

That is my comfort, the Comforter. Now, I could go to Hell all by myself. I don't need anyone to help me. So, I don't need them to walk in the Light in order for me to walk in the Light. The Comforter knows when enough is enough; the Comforter knows when it's time to move on, move out and move on.

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