Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Young America in NC v. North Carolina over voting rights


Jarius Page said, '"We have a voice in our community, and it's important that we be heard, because it's our future. I believe that we should have a say."'  Well said, young man and all true, so persistently forge ahead.  If you, the young generation, do not exercise your power as a voting powerful block, you will be worse off than we are now.  That is why the opposition is devising ways to block your power.  In addition, you need to do this, young people, because the generations before you have given you a raw deal in many ways, and what's sad, because most of the ignorant ones blame their failures on the younger generation. 

America is aging.  It is good for young America and aged America to be friends for more reasons than one.  Both cohort groups have something the other can use and benefit from.  With that said, young people need to work as a coherent cohort group to ensure their own futures via education, experience, a tendency to work out any problem rather than sit around and dream, not putting forth the effort to bring about changes -- by the vote.  With your vote you can do what your opposition does not want you to do: be empowered to make things move.  Don't be deterred or derailed - persevere, young people, persevere.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Police brutality: the hidden man of the heart-the lawless one

The hidden man of the heart is a secret thing that is being revealed AND every hidden thing is coming to the light AND as a man thinks in his heart so is he (right now) AND the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked AND among other things all "paranoid schizophrenia (noun) characterized especially by delusions of persecution, grandiosity, or jealousy and by hallucinations (such as hearing voices) chiefly of an auditory nature" AND some devil told him or made him do it AND the election of a black president is the catalyst for all this hatred boiling up to the surface of the Witch's caldron of evils from day one AND many blacks (especially youths) are paying the price of these demonic miscarriages of justice - regardless of age or gender AND America is living "A Nightmare of Reason" (“AND it was so.”) AND may God have mercy on the darkness!  Whew.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

When the U.S. aided and abetted the Iraqi president's (killed by US) use of chemical weapons against Iraqis, Kurds, and Iranians

Chemical Hypocrisy: U.S. Aided Iraqi Nerve Attacks Decades Before Outrage At Syria Attack | Alternet

Remember the days of the droning words, "... gassed his own people"?  Now, the same US is planning to go against a Middle Eastern leader that it, along with Israel, has long wanted to be rid of.  Yes, this is hypocritical for the United States because this country has and still does protect dictators, debauched leaders, and criminals from all over the world to further promote and protect "America's interests" (both economic and political).  The weapons used were American weapons, whether chemical or conventional weapons of warfare.  Case in point:  "... it’s not Syria in 2013--it’s Iraq in the 1980s, and the U.S. was complicit in the attacks. In sharp contrast to U.S. outrage over the chemical weapons attack that Syrian government forces allegedly launched last week in a Damascus suburb, the U.S. aided Iraqi forces who used chemical weapons attacks during the brutal Iran-Iraq War in the 1980s (para. 2).

Unrighteous indignation is not pretty no matter whose face is on the portrait being viewed. In order not to thing things began yesterday or last night, J. Turley shows that it didn't:   http://jonathanturley.org/2013/08/26/report-u-s-knew-of-saddam-husseins-use-of-chemical-weapons-and-supplied-intelligence-used-in-attack/.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

They are anybody's worst nightmare


Of course they do.  That's one of their ways of atoning the deed without doing the penance.  Instead, they substitute scapegoats.  Of course they do.

Do not be deceived: this is America, not some third or fourth world country out yonder somewhere


Hear ye, hear ye.  Now this is the moral, just, compassionate, pious, religious, Bible toting, Bible thumping, God is Love country in which we reside.  This is our America:

"Fifteen-year-old Anthony Stokes has less than six months to live unless he receives an emergency heart transplant. But his family has been told that Anthony does not qualify for the transplant list because he has a “ history of non-compliance” — partly due to his history of earning low grades and having some trouble with the law. "

What generation would have very much to look forward to with our credentials.  We had better take heed and not allow ourselves to be blind followers of the blind leaders, unless everybody wants to go to the Pit after all.  I don't even know if it is possible for the unjust judges to feel any shame, being the Walking Spiritually Dead - so they could not care less than they do already what anybody says.  The soulless ones have not the "Spirit of Truth" in them.   These mutants have their Bible which of course is MUTE, so they love Its (the Book).silence where they are concerned.

Boycott the Russian Olympics - or Not

It has not been to long since DOMA was repealed.  Also, for an example of why not to rush to rashness; today (8-13-13) LGBTs just got shot down again by policymakers who refused their petition for same sex marriage.  Well, they refused to hear their neighbors' pleas because of some technicality - again.  Since America is just beginning to try to put aside its own religious and secular biases against other people who have just a much a right to life (talking globally) as any other human being.  

Some people come to terms with their disqualifications as judges over other human beings deeply personal preferences by just accepting that God mandates that we love one another.  However, he did not say that we all must slide in bed with each other or sleep together to prove it.  

If "Love covers a multitude of sins,"  it cannot create them simultaneously.  Let US become more diligent in erasing the sins of our past and present, while Russia works on its own demons since we have too many demons ourselves and might get them all mixed up. 

Monday, August 12, 2013

White people still try to usurp Native Americans' rights about their own children

Adoptive couple wants feds to bring girl to SC - Yahoo! News

Sometimes the Supreme Court does things like it deliberately tries to divide people.  I think this is one of those times, once again.

Since local authorities in the states are subject to the federal authorities (FBI etc.), especially where white people are concerned, why would the Supreme Court put the responsibility on the states to decide where a Native American child should live if her biological family is alive and want here in her own "culture" and learning her own cultural history.  Of course the state will decide for the white couple (at least this couple is not black, Native American, etc. meaning they must be white).  This is another instance of white intrusion upon Native Americans where it hurts and where, with their words so far, the complainants threaten to "take the matter into their own hands if necessary."  Very typical, very typical indeed.

This beautiful "Indian" child should have the right to be with her own parent, and her parent has the right to raise his own child - even if the "powerful" takes her from him, which the Law should not allow or it is just another "Indian" law or legislation that has no authority.  People tout that children should be with their parents, then tout this: this child has a live father and should be with him.

Maybe the white people can give Veronica the world including love.  However, she does not need the world, she needs her father and her ethnic culture and history (as her culture would tell it).  What will count against this man (Dusten Brown, the real father) is that a white family wants to "take" his child while accusing him of kidnapping his child, and he is not a white or Veronica's mother is not white, but Native American.  Even if the Council should rule in favor of the complainants, it would be the carrying out of a fishy "command" of some sort from some quarter.

Monday, July 29, 2013

The silly things some people have to do for the money

A Muslim Scholar Wrote A Book About Jesus. Watch A Confused Newscaster's Brain Shut Down.

There are times when we should stay in bed and get a little more rest.  Whoever laid out the plan for this anchor to interview this scholar should have thought better about the questions they had her ask him.  It really shows their lack of intelligence in how to approach an intelligent man, a scholar, an academic who does what he does as an academic.  It was hard to see him talk to this woman as if she is a two- or three-year-old who lacks understanding of what is going on.  The problem is that Christians including the so-called ones, feel they should express themselves about every religion and religious practice with a name, but treat the subject of Jesus as if it has a patent or a copyright on it and cannot be discussed by anyone other than Christians including the Christians so-called, or at least get "permission" or "approval" from someone to discuss it. 

That’s a bias that is not good in academia and media.  Those people (the public) who raise objections about things like this need to educate themselves a bit in that they should read it (if affordable), study it, and not judge it without critiquing (a summary at least) for fear that, what? they might be converted to another religion or that God might zap them with lightning or something?  (I know some of this scholar's works - like/don't like some maybe; I have not read this entire book yet, but I hope to get it on Audible where I can afford it.).  However, I am not writing about the author's book or even the author, which is not the subject of this rendering.  One of the questions said something about Jesus as God or somebody denying that Jesus is God. Fear Not.

If, I say if, people really cared about what Jesus said about himself, and not what theologians (or theology per se) say about him or the Word of God, they might come to the conclusion that, as it is written, the Master NEVER said he was God (theology does).  As a matter of fact, he denied it when his fellow Jews tried to accuse him of putting himself up as God (John 10:24-38).  He denied it (John 14:9 and "The Father and I are One" notwithstanding).  People should read the Book in light of the Truth of it as far as can be done, because people can always reject it, saying, “Anybody could have said that and put it in red.” 

That could be true because the Hand of God did not take a pen and write the words.  He did as he does today by Revelation:  he inspires those whom he prepares to receive it to “write” or “hear” or “see” ….  For those looking for the Truth of who Jesus is, read what the Man said and hear what and who he said he is: the Son of God (in that Trinity).  And besides, if Jesus the Christ were God, then, given that he would not lie to anyone, especially those who asked him questions on Spiritual things, he would have told them exactly when the end will be,  rather than, "But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father" (Mark 13:32).  Even Peter saw that Jesus was God's Son via a flash of Revelation Light from the Spirit on High that anointed him to see Jesus the Truth correctly:  “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God” (Matt. 16:16).   So be it.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

A slip of the tongue or what?

Ryan added, "So, yes, it may be difficult and it might take 15 years for a person to get right. But I think that's a pretty good deal given that we have all these undocumented Americans."

Well, which one is it, Congressman Ryan? Is it undocumented immigrants in America or undocumented Americans who are immigrants?

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Racism and discrimination is ever present in Latin American countries

Black Pallbearers Indicate Ingrained Racism in Peru | USA on Race

This is a sad but very true story; the reason the Census does not "take names" and justify that by saying there are not many blacks is because they are not recognized as an ethnic group or otherwise they would have rights.  Meanwhile, Latin people strive to marry "lighter and lighter" as a process of striving for European-like whiteness.  

Venezuela's  late president, Hugo Chavez, was strongly against these types of apartheid racist practices.  Because of his stamina in vigilance and beliefs that all Venezuelans and Latin Americans should not be discriminated against, the policy makers revised the Constitution to that effect.  This act gave the Afro Venezuelans the right to be Afro Venezuelans - with a legal identity as an ethnic group who could legally protest wrongs done to them.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

These make a religion of taking food from children's mouths and stuffing theirs with it

Daily Kos: Meet the Republicans who vote against food stamps while getting millions in farm subsidies

Those depicted here are the real recipients of welfare, yet they do all they can to rob the poor of theirs.  Take, for example, "Tennessee Rep. Stephen Fincher, who's gotten $3.5 million in subsidies over the years, but is on a pseudo-biblical crusade against SNAP—a program 22 percent of the people in his home county rely on."  These hypocrites, whose brainwashed constituents, especially the poorest of them, glorify them while they starve themselves to death as acts of honor.  That's the way cultism is.

It does not say but surely there must be some Southern-Elite and racist Democrats that should be included in this list.  If they do not exist, please pardon me!

Detroit and all

The Biggest Racial Problem No One Talks About

"This is about cold, hard data, not the subtle biases of a car door being locked when an African-American man—even a future president—walks by. It is an uncomfortable trend for a society that prides itself on becoming colorblind."

Sizing it all up in the last analysis. Probing and challenging questions

Beyond the Trayvon Martin - George Zimmerman Tragedy | USA on Race

All things are working together for good, i.e., to reveal the true core of US.  Will it be of the nature of iron (cold-blooded), like the core of the Earth?  Or will all things work together to reveal a Buddha-Christ nature in the core of US?

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Choices and principles; guns and no roses

America is just one of the living proofs that people can be dead souls walking in animated mechanisms or breathing bodies.  One preacher was modest and said in his own words that New Orleans has become a type of the "walking dead." The author of this article is profoundly correct also when she says it is America herself that is spiritually dead.  When preferred preachers (dead or alive) resound from the podium that God is going to turn his back on America because ..., people applaud them as they go back out the door to do some of the same activities that God is going to turn his back on them for.  

However, another preacher (non-preferred) said in his own words the same type of things, yet the self-righteous did not applaud this messenger of God but raised their voices by octaves against him because some in America wanted to find fault with him and ostracize him.  They rallied against this John the Baptist so powerfully that even a president chimed in in concert and dis-owned the preacher in a sense, as an act of self-preservation to keep his fellowship with those self-righteous vermin, whoever, whatever, and wherever they were then and are today. 

When, in “America-stan,” the spirit of America is born or among us for probably the very first time ever since the Anglos came here and took it from the First Americans (by genocidal actions) who recognized the Great Spirit was above them, was theirs, and was their help; the "Valley of Dry Bones" will become a valley of saving and salvaging balms for all the innocents in its domain, hence “the healing of the nations.” Every human soul, for example, is a nation.  Thus, every child is a nation to be healed and saved alive in all parts of his or her being, regardless of race or ethnicity.  That balm will make us care sincerely and equally for all the “red-yellow-black-and-white, all are precious in his sight” children.   Human beings can make songs manifestly true or false.

That balm will heal all those who would rather see children (who should be the jewels of our future) gunned down and lined up in their graves whatever they be, rather than concede that something needs to be done to protect children rather than their precious self-righteous and hypocritical views of some Constitutional right they demand is theirs.  Where is the Constitutional right for children and other innocent people whose lives are devastated by their lack of compassionate desires to help save those who cannot save themselves, by advocating stricter gun laws for the sake of the children. 

When that happens, the children in other places of God's planet Earth will be safer, because the enlightened ones in America will not be seeking to kill them since children usually are in the way of who or what they want, whatever that is.  

Warnings about the doom ahead abound, they are just ignored or projected away but things do finally come to a head and cannot be changed.  All plans do not fail to do harm to those who do harm to others including their own.  And worse than that, those plans surely will and do deeply touch those complacent ones who would die for gun, not human, rights to the hope of life.  

On the other hand, these might be those who would go out and kill a pro-abortion activist as anti-abortionist solidarity with an unborn or even a possibility like a stem cell, for example.  The lives that are here are somebody else's problems until such a tragedy touches them where they hurt the most.

When America becomes a nation of true "liberty and justice for all," little children in New Orleans and Newtown, the ghettos all over rural and urban America, and those in the plushest mansions will fare better because they will not be taught the weapons of war and the sensed need for self-preservation at the expense of another who might not even have a mind to harm them.  Fear and the fearful live in Darkness, which is another type of fear (e.g., Slippin’ into Darkness”).  Who can say they love their children and justifiably rear them under this umbrella simultaneously?  

If we can receive it, when this is healed, there will be no need for America-stan (young and old) to be numbed and befuddled with drugs or any other escape goat.  Then and only then will it truly be America – in the Spirit and not just the letter.  Then it will truly be “the land of the free and the home of the brave”; no home or land bound by and identified with fear, weapons, and drugs can be free.  That is a choice.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Exclusive: Dying Iraq War Veteran Tomas Young Reads "Last Letter" to President Bush and Dick Cheney | Democracy Now!

Exclusive: Dying Iraq War Veteran Tomas Young Reads "Last Letter" to President Bush and Dick Cheney | Democracy Now!

A letter from a soon-dead man to George B. and Dick C.  Injustice and kept justice at bay in indicting these criminals with war crimes; however, they will never get away from ....  See the full episode of DN if you can.