Saturday, November 20, 2010

Dancing With the Tea Party

It's just too bad that Americans must seek stars rather than consider themselves as lights they can seek out and better from within. We wonder why our children have such feeble values in so many areas of life. It is not fair, because they see these things in the grown-ups and they emulate those values; thereby seeking out star power too, no matter how corrupt it is or how far below "good" they slighter. So long as they are stars, they must be accepted. This is what they are taught.

I suggest this sentiment is a backlash of early American history when (in reality taking a homeland from the AMERICANS) the people also decried the "celebrity" connotations of "King" and "Monarchy." In addition, they were also stars, and people did and do hold them as stars. It is going on right before our eyes today with the coming royal wedding in Great Britain! We went about to establish tour own types of stars, short of kingdoms of crowns and thrones.
About Sarah Palin
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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