Friday, November 5, 2010

Patty Murray Defeats Dino Rossi In Washington Senate Race

None. Another thing Dem's didn't seem to get is they must do what they did to get these blocks in order to keep them. When someone gives you their all, and you in turn virtually ignore them when they cry out for validation, they feel "deserted." This is the most obviously prevalent issue for this past general election.

One would think that as doggedly as the Repus ran their campaigns and all the BIG BIG money they amassed, the other side should've begun to campaign earlier than they did & to shout louder. They (TP&R) were out to demean a President, not a Congress. Their pressing aim is to get THIS MAN off the plantation, & anyone who overlooks this is in denial big time. The Ruling Passion for the Repus and Tea Baggers if they are Repus(?) is to defeat the Socialist!! Before it's all over, they will be so confounded they will tell it without intending to. Notice that not a word lately has been said about his citizenship. It will come up again when they get it tied in to something else. Anything else.

Since the Middle Class is the backbone of a society, it is truly amazing how they are so shortchanged and relegated to a non-urgent­-attention position by most, no matter how much they might lie about it. Those who are for getting the middle class back on solid ground again need to speak up and then do it.
About Elections 2010
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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