Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Napolitano: The Ball's In My Court Now

[heo] Re: COULTER

You called me a Bitch. I surely will NOT CALL YOU A BASTARD, even if you are one. You certainly have the RHETORIC down pat. Excellent! Thank you for your service. We all have and do serve our country in many ways. I didn't have to read past two paragraphs to get the WIND of your DOCTRINE. So I stopped there - it's all the same air. You do one thing well: you ABUSE HISTORY. There's a saying that your worst fears will come upon you. like self-fulfilling prophecy. That is the UGLINESS and stench of fear. Psalm 73 says in verse one about people like you, i.e., the fearful ones: THERE THEY WERE IN GREAT FEAR WHERE NO FEAR WAS.

That is the fear being created, but it is a whirlwind and I will leave you in it - I'll not get caught up in it with you. We have such fear of enemies that we make them by being protagonists unnecessarily, like you are doing to me right now with this post. But I am not and will not be your enemy, so you might as well remain AFRAID; e.g., do unto others BEFORE they do unto you is what you trust - but I don't. I understand you, your names are legion.

Another thing about history, which has directly to do with your fearful fear: all things have cycles; all things have pinnacles; there is a time to be born and a time to die, there is a time to plant and a time to pluck up that which is planted. These things overcome the fearfulness of fear. You might think on this and find out what SERVICE really means. You and your kind are still in service - THE SERVICE OF FEAR. But that is your fear. You keep it.

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