So this is what people wanted a reordering of the Congress for: to defeat the low income and the middle class in America. The truth is that somebody did this. We have a bad habit of defeating ourselves on the pretext of overturnin g the "bad guy" and calling it victory. My concern is that some do not know who the bad guy is. They can be looking at him and not know him. Therefore, they grasp at straws and just "pull one." The people who voted for the people who defeated them of direly needed help worked against themselves . They work for the richest of the rich by electing the very people who will ensure that the rich (themselve s) get taken care of at the expense of those in need indeed.
We as a nation need to take responsibi lity for ourselves and see to it via the poles that those things happening now and will happen again if we make it happen, does not happen again. Who elected the Republican s who defeat the poor and middle class in this Reauthoriz ation of Jobless benefits and tax cuts? Who enabled the corporatio ns, Wall Street, big banks to continue to work for their gain via the Republican Neo-Con and some Democrats, who might as well flip the switch or jump the broom? The people did. So who can we really blame for this stench in God's nostrils but ourselves - by vote or no-vote.
American leaders, in order to try to keep up the intense pretense of being the mightiest Rambo on the planet, rob us in so many uncountabl e ways while enabling other countries to waste the money we borrow to give to them, while they build up their arsenals, food banks, et al., at our expense. Those truly needy countries get as overlooked as we do in America when it comes to being guaranteed our rights to be taken care of. For example, the desperate situation in Haiti, just as bad as it was in the beginning, but more so because of the outbreak of dis-ease rampant there. But help trickles in at a slow, slow snail's pace.
The sad truth is that we have a blemished view of what taken care of means. It has been pounded into our imperialis t minds so long that when we think of ensuring our safety and welfare, it means BIG GUNS. Well, some of the biggest guns we should have advocates for are equal, fair, and affordable housing, food, jobs above all in order to do the others, education enhancemen t rather than cuts for our children who will one day be leaders of this country if they are prepared for it now. We should feel secure in the knowledge that the leaders of this country are for us more than any other entity on the planet because we are their "home."
If the powers in this country paid as much attention to helping us, for example, in extending unemployment benefits for the millions who are preparing themselves for more hard times, while the RICH are getting theirs as if they are the poor, then those cut off would have some type of funds to count on, which they have worked for anyway. This is low down dirty and a grim injustice to the people who elected them and the country they swore to protect. If leaders do not take care of the people they represent, how can they say they protect and serve? Militarism is not the only way to protect and serve a country. It is only one of the needs of a sovereign country toward its citizens.
We as a nation need to take responsibi
American leaders, in order to try to keep up the intense pretense of being the mightiest Rambo on the planet, rob us in so many uncountabl
The sad truth is that we have a blemished view of what taken care of means. It has been pounded into our imperialis
If the powers in this country paid as much attention to helping us, for example, in extending unemployment benefits for the millions who are preparing themselves for more hard times, while the RICH are getting theirs as if they are the poor, then those cut off would have some type of funds to count on, which they have worked for anyway. This is low down dirty and a grim injustice to the people who elected them and the country they swore to protect. If leaders do not take care of the people they represent, how can they say they protect and serve? Militarism is not the only way to protect and serve a country. It is only one of the needs of a sovereign country toward its citizens.
I suggest that if we did not look to pick fights with others we don't like (or look for opportunity to seek a fight), we would have better opportunity to look to the welfare of home. If we did not look for faults where it really is none of our business to look for them; if we did not look at every country as if they cannot get along without us or our input (especially money); if we did not stick our noses in others' disputes when they are sovereign and should be taking care of their own concerns, how much more astute and savvy this country would be. We would be working diligently to strengthen our own infrastructure.
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