Friday, December 10, 2010

Rep. Mike Honda: Senate DADT Obstructionists Joined the Wrong Side of America's Civil Rights History

Rep. Mike Honda: Senate DADT Obstructionists Joined the Wrong Side of America's Civil Rights History

It is a pity that Republicans PROSTITUTE the Constitution by using their def. of it in  whatever way that suits them:  Against the poor by taking food out of their dependents' mouths (like in order 4 kids to merit a thot fr Conserves, they must be unborn fetuses who don't share exactly the same kinds of needs yet as those already here & need their help.  Unborn kids eat what their moms eat - or not.  So, on the other hand, unborn babes are hungry too, I suggest.  There are plenty of hungry moms-to-be who need the benefits denied them on one pretext or another).   The Rich live in plenty while children et al., are hungry and need the assistance due them, not judgment.

They use it (the Constitution) to block the constitutional rights of gay people they send to war, yet forcing them to lie about who they are because they won't be accepted in the  reality their own way of life.  Republicans unconstitutionally make the gay military have to lie in order to protect and serve.  What a bunch of hypocrites and they know it.  Therefore they use the Constitution against the Military, licking their lips saying they have DONE NO HARM.  They use it to refuse to do any good thing in favor of anyone but themselves, and they still demand that they are faithful and true American Patriots.  In truth they are faithful and true - INFIDELS (which is the definition of what they do).

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