Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Countdown to Another Murder in Georgia

Georgia, because of Troy Davis, your souls, and the souls of your advocates (including the "victims") are weighed in the balance. Within the next eight hours, you will kill a man who was PROVEN guilty on shallow evidence. "There is not enough evidence" to convict him, but you overturned that assertion and convicted him to death in spite of it.

I remember a little while ago when California killed Tookie Williams, when there was evidence that could possibly prove his innocence, but it was not accepted. Instead, the then governor, "The Terminator," would not hear of a last minute stay of execution. I watched the execution on television. The last thing one witness said as they left the room was, "You killed an innocent man! That will ring in the ears of the hearers forever unless they really are dead - spirits.

The victims will not feel vindicated as they think they will because they do not care if Troy Davis is innocent or not.  They want someone to die for the death of their loved one. If someone came to them with irrefutable evidence that Davis is innocent, would they accept it? A good question since they want it to "be over."

America is bathing itself in a bloodfest (in all the states that murder prisoners) and calling it justice. We have no right to accuse other countries, for example, China, Iran, or whomever else we do not like, of being torturers.  We torture people and call it justice.  Rick Perry never loses sleep over it as he told someone on the news.  Unless we begin to do things differently, i.e., grow up into mature beings, we will continue to torture citizens and be barbarians, while calling others barbarians.  "When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things" (1 Cor 13:11).  Would that this verse were this country's motto.

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