@Kara; @Kstoke. I was really enjoying everybody'
s comments (so far) about racing and never gave it a second thought when "race" came up. How can the commentato
rs talk about a white guy or black guy if everybody does not know what color a runner is unless someone mentions it. Then, you throw this in and totally change the subject - RACEing, and take the focus from this magnificen
t runner and those in his field, changing it to your own "oh, no" subject. You remind me of people who want to talk about whatever they want if they can dictate to others what subject not to bring up. For example, some people demand that nobody talks about Jesus, religion, etc., if one wants their company. That really is mighty arrogant (which may never occur to them). They just find they lose fellowship with those who won't be dictated to about what and what not to talk about. Whenever comments like yours come up, I'm reminded of people who want to run the conversati
on in their own direction - whatever it is - adding up to nothing much but silence.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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