Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Supreme Court overturns today’s scheduled execution of a Texas x-Army recruiter - Yahoo! News

Court halts Texas execution of ex-Army recruiter - Yahoo! News 

The Supreme Court has intervened on this death row inmate’s behalf three (3) times.  Too bad they won’t act on Troy Davis’s behalf. The State of George is bound and determined to have themselves “a hanging” of a sort unless there’s Divine intervention.  Down with the Death Penalty in all of its forms.  People cannot pay for their crimes if murderers murder them.  Injustice IS the death penalty.  

Some people will be paying for crimes they did not commit, but at least they would not be murdered by an unjust and inhumane system of law.  Justice is to make people pay for their crimes if they committed them, and hopefully, they will become better off for it.  Those who would rather see injustice done to others in order to “feel better,” or to feel that they got some closure (translated “revenge”), need to find themselves or theirs, God forbid, in the same shoes of the ones they condemn to death.  Then the understanding might come.  

There is a man on the Texas death row (Lawrence Russell Brewer) scheduled to die in a matter of hours I believe, who admits that given the chance, he would drag a black man’s body around again., a Longview news outlet, says, "'Texas prison officials say the 44-year-old Brewer was in good spirits and joking with officers as he arrived in Huntsville at midafternoon Wednesday from death row at the Polunsky Unit prison about 45 miles to the east.'"  

It could be that he really has no remorse.  On the other hand, however, he could be too ashamed and hard-hearted to confess that he was wrong because that might be too "sissy" to admit.  These types of elementals especially need to live to the end of their days so when they see Death face-to-face, Light might penetrate their inhuman, demonic minds.  Hopefully.  I would not want the blood of anyone, but especially this type of entity, dripping from my hands.  

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