Friday, December 31, 2010


R U Mad: WOW! To see the responses on this thread is really

Wow! And where are your credential­s entitling you to talk down (high-mind­edly) to anyone. Where were you - or rather, what were you doing when your party made a whole country DYSFUNCTIO­NAL, and left it to the new kids on the block, who are only two years in and really doing better than you'd like to admit the 8-yr run did. In addition, any startup team knows its car has kinks to smooth out, tests, trials, & tribulatio­ns to overcome, keeping what works best with what - and whom, etc., but if these tests and challenges were not carried forth, nothing would ever get done and the car would never become one with a smooth-run­ning engine. 

I seriously believe there are problems being worked out every day, and many of those problems were "handed down" like hand-me-do­wn shoes. Some, I'm sorry to say, are still carried forth. So get off your high hobby-hors­e. E.g, if you'd consider things at eye-level instead of being "up there" somewhere, wherever that is, you would use common sense and realize you may see a zebra when they might see a horse of a different color, and use a more noble approach. Besides, these topics came from the same book, didn't they? You're just mad they didn't pick your pet peeve.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Governor Haley Barbour Suspends the Scott Sisters' Life Sentences Indefinitely After 16 Years

Governor Haley Barbour

Jamie and Gladys Scott "no longer pose a threat to society"; as if they ever really did.   Yet the people in power still refuse to pardon or commute their sentence.  They are released to save money because "Jamie Scott's medical condition creates a substantial cost to the state of Mississippi."   Pitiful. 

The system lets serial killers, rapists, white, blue, yellow, and green-collar offenders off for little or no reason, only to find out that they are just as scurrilous as ever.  These two women, "young, gifted, and Black," posed such a threat to SOCIETY for this alleged $11crime [(unless they were caught red-handed with gun and  dough)] that SOCIETY had to impose such a strenuous FINAL penalty upon them, short of death. 

A jury convicted them - and what a mean-spirited and bigoted jury it must have been.   It reminds me of the travesty of justice in the movie "Heaven's Fall."  The people were utterly determined to make a black man pay for something he did not do.  They over-threw the judge's courage to deem the whole trial a farce and perversion of justice, thereby rendering an unsavory verdict.  They hound-dogged that poor man unswervingly in an effort to carry out their wishes for him until he died in transit, still maintaining his innocence.    What a Godless enterprise.  Heaven's Fall portrays a TRUE LIFE EXPERIENCE - as this one is.

They (the vampire cowboys and girls) knew he was innocent.  The white girl they used to try to "kill somebody" was exposed.   But she had a staunch heart of darkness.  They did not care.  They wanted a black man to be lynched or burned or killed by whatever other method of death that would torture him the most.  They just wanted a death.  In a way, they killed the two young women, the Scott sisters, because of unjust judgment.  But the quest for justice could not be quenched.  Thank God. 

This is one of the many ways our beloved country wastes its potential.  It invests highly in binding people to their misdeeds instead of preparing them for re-entry into society as better contributors to, rather than drainers of, society (in one way or another).   To wit, THE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT TO VOTE IS NOT THEIRS UNLESS I MISSED SOMETHING TO DATE.  [(Note the present unrest in the prison strikes, for example. 

People who like to lie about things and delude themselves, maintain that prisoners are in hog heaven: free food, money, tv, plush rec rooms, EDUCATION, no work!! except in-house, and other luxuries.  I could not believe my ears when a CHURCH MEMBER shared that.  I thought prison was the opposite of FUN times myself.  "He needs to spend a little time in "Oz," I thought.)] 

Society is sort of like a two-faced coin.  People cry woe is us because of some drain or leaching of would-be contributors to the welfare of the whole.  However, they are not satisfied unless they make someone who least deserves it pay needlessly for some slight crime, while they allow the Son of Sam, Freddy Krueger, Jack the Ripper, and the Loch Ness Monster, for example, to roam the streets somewhere out there in the darkness.  It is truly amazing how some human minds work out their illogical conclusions. 

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Napolitano: The Ball's In My Court Now

[heo] Re: COULTER

You called me a Bitch. I surely will NOT CALL YOU A BASTARD, even if you are one. You certainly have the RHETORIC down pat. Excellent! Thank you for your service. We all have and do serve our country in many ways. I didn't have to read past two paragraphs to get the WIND of your DOCTRINE. So I stopped there - it's all the same air. You do one thing well: you ABUSE HISTORY. There's a saying that your worst fears will come upon you. like self-fulfilling prophecy. That is the UGLINESS and stench of fear. Psalm 73 says in verse one about people like you, i.e., the fearful ones: THERE THEY WERE IN GREAT FEAR WHERE NO FEAR WAS.

That is the fear being created, but it is a whirlwind and I will leave you in it - I'll not get caught up in it with you. We have such fear of enemies that we make them by being protagonists unnecessarily, like you are doing to me right now with this post. But I am not and will not be your enemy, so you might as well remain AFRAID; e.g., do unto others BEFORE they do unto you is what you trust - but I don't. I understand you, your names are legion.

Another thing about history, which has directly to do with your fearful fear: all things have cycles; all things have pinnacles; there is a time to be born and a time to die, there is a time to plant and a time to pluck up that which is planted. These things overcome the fearfulness of fear. You might think on this and find out what SERVICE really means. You and your kind are still in service - THE SERVICE OF FEAR. But that is your fear. You keep it.

Link to comment:


Tucker Carlson: Michael Vick 'Should Have Been Executed' (VIDEO)

As for me, I am glad I'm a Christian; glad I was not led to Christ thro someone like this guy who says he's one. Had I been led to Christ by someone like him or some other types of Christians I know, I would give that gift back to whomever gave it to me.  If Christians cannot morph into more and more Christ-likeness, what right do they have to try to push Christ off on someone else, even at gun-point if that were to happen?  If they feel Christ is what they are imaging, why would they think anyone should WANT him?  Thank God Christianity (or any other Religion) does not depend upon its followers, some so-called, for validation.

They (the religions) would fall flat on their faces, and prove THEMSELVES to be IDOL gods right before the eyes of many.  This man is a travesty.  Thank God he does not represent me or even share the faith in which I stand.  Were he to dare tamper with it, I would move to a higher plane.  As for Michael Vick, he will get the blessings that were dished out as curses by this depraved man.  If he were such a Christian, he'd know he's MAKING God bless that beautiful youngster (since God said he would) because God has chastised him and the "devil" still wants to exact more than God REQUIRES.  That stupid man is EXECUTING his own self-growth.  I pity him.


Analysis of a Celebrity Twitter Beef Yeah...I said it

Monday, December 20, 2010


John McCain DADT Repeal Reaction: 'Today Is A Very Sad Day'

John McCain looks and sounds like a tired man.  He would do well to pamper himself, leave public service and go fishing.  He deserves it.  It would also be good for his mind.  My dad found much peace out on the river in his boat.  He appreciated hearing nothing but silence, which was a good refuge from the noise of life.  John McCain could use that unless the noise is within him -then he'd only take the noise with him.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Sarah Palin, Magazine Cover Queen (PHOTOS, POLL)

Sarah Palin, Magazine Cover Queen



1, Listen up: which came first, the chicken or the egg? 
2, The tango on the heads of the middle class.  Isn't she lovely?
3, Age of what?  Awesome!  My own Republic - I can even see Alaska AND Russia from here.
4, "Who are these people?"
5, Ah, Madam President, wait up, please!
6, Amen me.
7. "I'm alright, don't nobody worry 'bout me."
8, The horned one, red included.
9, Oh Yeah. Oh Yeah.
10,  That's easy!  1-1+0=2
11,  I see it everything clearly all of a sudden..
12,  Not to worry - I'm still plus-half as pretty.
13, Oh well, the trials of life.
14, It's only the scientist in me.
15, I'm brillianter and brilliant. 
16,  Life is a stage.

Schalaine: If only she meant a word of it. We know#comment_70667183,sb=1206272,b=facebook#comment_70667183,sb=1206272,b=facebook

Schalaine: If only she meant a word of it. We know#comment_70667183,sb=1206272,b=facebook#comment_70667183,sb=1206272,b=facebook

Friday, December 10, 2010

Obama-Clinton Briefing: Former President Endorses Tax Cut Deal (VIDEO)

Obama-Clinton Briefing: Former President Endorses Tax Cut Deal (VIDEO)

And one of them balanced the national Budged before he left office.  Since when had that been done?  By which party.  It is so easy for those who don't have the weight of solving national problems to find so much fault with those who do.  If opinions were money, America would not be Huffington's Third World America.   If this bill is not passed by the end of the year, and the Republicans take control of the House next year, just imagine how hard it will be to push anything through without much effort and possibly some concessions.   But what would you do to bail us out were you the problem solver in charge?

Obama Lashes Out At 'Hostage-Taking' Republicans, Sanctimonious Democrats

Obama Lashes Out At 'Hostage-Taking' Republicans, Sanctimonious Democrats

Rep. Mike Honda: Senate DADT Obstructionists Joined the Wrong Side of America's Civil Rights History

Rep. Mike Honda: Senate DADT Obstructionists Joined the Wrong Side of America's Civil Rights History

It is a pity that Republicans PROSTITUTE the Constitution by using their def. of it in  whatever way that suits them:  Against the poor by taking food out of their dependents' mouths (like in order 4 kids to merit a thot fr Conserves, they must be unborn fetuses who don't share exactly the same kinds of needs yet as those already here & need their help.  Unborn kids eat what their moms eat - or not.  So, on the other hand, unborn babes are hungry too, I suggest.  There are plenty of hungry moms-to-be who need the benefits denied them on one pretext or another).   The Rich live in plenty while children et al., are hungry and need the assistance due them, not judgment.

They use it (the Constitution) to block the constitutional rights of gay people they send to war, yet forcing them to lie about who they are because they won't be accepted in the  reality their own way of life.  Republicans unconstitutionally make the gay military have to lie in order to protect and serve.  What a bunch of hypocrites and they know it.  Therefore they use the Constitution against the Military, licking their lips saying they have DONE NO HARM.  They use it to refuse to do any good thing in favor of anyone but themselves, and they still demand that they are faithful and true American Patriots.  In truth they are faithful and true - INFIDELS (which is the definition of what they do).

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Elizabeth Edwards Dead From Cancer At 61

Elizabeth Edwards Dead From Cancer At 61

Goodbye, Elizabeth Edwards:  She was beautiful and very gracious.  She was ill-treated by some in the media and other places.  But that did not deter her from her strength and her self-integrity.  She was a woman who was comfortable in her own skin.  She proved able to bear up under humiliating circumstances for her sake and her children's.  She also proved to be a forgiving soul because she forgave John for the pain he cause her and her children in private and in public.   In the end, she was his comfort along with his kids because he was with them in her presence when she said good-bye to the world.  I'm glad she was a true one.  I'm glad she had the strength to leave books behind for her children and everyone else she inspired.  I'm glad there are those in the world who inspired her to the end.  I'm glad.

Obama Lashes Out At 'Hostage-Taking' Republicans, Sanctimonious Democrats

Obama Lashes Out At 'Hostage-Taking' Republicans, Sanctimonious Democrats

There is no reason at all why the President should have to defend the comprises that were made with the lawless Republican lawmakers, as well as those of the self-righteous Democrats, who voted against helping the poor and middle class because they didn't like something about this bill.  Hello, it is not about you, it about an America that has 10% unemployment and hungry people who need to eat.  Instead of ranting and raving, they should be out decking the halls of food pantries with food in the storehouse for those in need of it.  

Had the President not agreed to those compromises, there are millions of people who would not have the next 13 months of unemployment checks to look forward to, while their dependents look to them.  At least some of our prayers on behalf of others have been answered.  As an American citizen, I am very ashamed of the high-handed demeanor of the rich ones who don't need what they high-jacked the middle class as hostage to wrest from the White House.   

I am also appalled at those limp-backed Democrats who, instead of banding together to make something good happen for someone else, hold back from solidarity, then blame those who do try to get things done on behalf of others - those who elected them.  How many Democrats voted to get this bill passed for victory on behalf of their constituency.    How many Democrats were on board with or WITHOUT the help of Republicans.  Did they all vote as a block or did they all split their vote.  It is one thing for the Democrats to be defeated on a measure when they stand as one unit in diversity and diversity in unity, but it is another when they split their allegiance to the party and therefore don't have enough votes on their own.  They might as well have never had a majority at all.  They NEVER CAPITALIZED ON IT.

I would suggest that those Democrats who are griping because the President deferred to the hostage takers on behalf of the hostages, that they think less of themselves and more of the fact that there are millions of people in need of this bill, and in order to get that help, they had to help those who should be helping them.  There is not a speck of decency in those superfluous frauds who make the less fortunate suffer the indignities they impose upon them simply because they CAN.   Afterwards, they slink up to the media podiums, acting and speaking like the most pious ones walking the earth. 

For those who are barking at the fact that the rich got what they know they can get, I'd suggest they ask the people who would otherwise not have this help were the outcome not what it is.  The true pity would be that the poor and middle class DID NOT have this bill passed, and did not have this extension to sleep on at night - only a drop in the bucket of the true need, but still it is at least a drop.  So I thank God on their behalf for that drop.  Some children, old and sick people will eat at least.   The moral corruption I suggest would be to do other than this small amount.

Top 10 revelations from WikiLeaks cables - Yahoo! News

Top 10 revelations from WikiLeaks cables - Yahoo! News

There is the desire for transparency but not that recklessness that endangers lives rather than protects them.  On the pretext of informing a public of things that disclosure of means friends and enemies have privy to also is reckless, I suggest.  Good intentions.  The desire for information is a good desire.  But not many seek information in the way that protects the safety of others who might be damaged by "any means necessary."  We should use the polls to bring about the kind of transparency we so fiercely advocate, in spite of being vulnerable to danger we have been exposed to by this continued effort; but not that NAKEDNESS we would NOT want our own privates exposed to.   

WikiLeaks Rips the Blogger-Reporter Ethics Gap Wide Open

WikiLeaks Rips the Blogger-Reporter Ethics Gap Wide Open

I would suggest that it's always easy to suggest sacrifices be made by someone else while we sit back in our glass houses, aiding and abetting the gathering storm that we don't even hear rumbling around in the ether.  We are too puffed up with our seeming victory over government and all those who have the terrific task of trying to keep a world going as peacefully as possible with all the troubles going on in it.  Every minute of the day there is someone somewhere who could start a world war (and it is not Iran), or some other catastrophe that would surely touch us no matter where we live. 

It is one thing to look for openness as far as possible from our leaders, and rightly so.  It is another thing to become militants and outlaws about what we deem as our right to know.    We have become so disgruntled with the media (and rightly so) that we have tried to become the media without the blood, sweat and tears involved in the true work of Journalism).  I would ask this of anybody in the world if I were communing with them: 

Who is responsible for the safety of his neighbor as far as possible?  Whose blood will be on the hands of those who carelessly and immaturely set out to endanger a world of people whose names they don't even know; neither do they know their children; people who are already in danger from every side, especially in war-torn countries?  When did we cease to be our brother's keeper?  When did some of us become such authorities in areas for which we have never been trained, that we know the true fogs of war?   But we sit safely in our places of refuge wherever they are.  We're not out there in the filthy trenches where death hounds dog every foot-step of those who protect us.    They are the ones we sacrificed; they are sacrificial lambs twice over now.

When did we become so pompous that we call the pompous ones pompous?  When did we leave off caring what will happen to someone else if we endanger them absent-mindedly?  Don't we know that VENGEANCE CAN WAIT?  Just because we don't see a backlash for what happened yesterday, that does not mean that it is not coming sometime.  It is coming.  I believe if we would stop and get quiet enough on the inside and let go of this headiness and giddiness about these leaks, we would know that this poses grave dangers for the least ones we would want to be in danger. 

This is true evidence that the whole thing was not thought through - it was thought up but it was not thought through.  Who in his or her right mind would want to implicate a whole world of human beings in a dangerous scenario just to say they did something.  That is the same as the militants we love to accuse of terrorism and other things.   In this act, I believe that the wrong thing was done for the right reason, and vice-versa.  So there you have a paradox.  I suggest that those of us who are so short-sighted we cannot see this is in for a lot of surprises.  We are so concerned with secrets and lies that we throw the baby out with the bathwater.   

We'll be looking for that baby after many days - all over the world.  All actions have consequences.  We have just not seen the consequences of this - which has happened twice.   The first disclosure just emboldened the disclosure of the second leaks.  Something must come of that.   I am sorry that V.P. got exposed.  I'm just as sorry that we have become just as exposed - without our permission or knowledge, until it happened.   I suggest this was a mistake.  No matter how you toss that coin, it will still land on the side of mistake.  And I am concerned for us all, military and civilian.  There are those in this world who will exploit these leaks and that will be revealed whenever it is finished. 

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Charles Rangel receives standing ovation in Harlem, says he's glad to have censure behind him

Charles Rangel receives standing ovation in Harlem, says he's glad to have censure behind him

I must say I hesitate to delve into this subject with the torrid comments I have read.  The ignorance and bigotry is despicable.   These conversations should be in some pub or filthy bar that your color of people call illiterate POOR WHITE TRASH, (because surely you are not the color of the people you demean) dressed in your sloppy, smelly, filthy clothes, where the beer belly bulges way out front.  If you cared to study history, that is, if you can read with comprehension, you will have to admit that you are terribly in the dark concerning historical facts. 

If you were an honest reader/writer, you would surely want to get your facts right as far as possible.  Unless your point is to put down the people you talk about, do yourself a favor and study history in the light of truth.  It will do your soul good - knowledge does that.  I won't even @ anyone, because most are the same brazen comments.  Truly amazing.

A last note:  Mr. Rangel is no more corrupt than all the ones you can name that are not black persons.  You have only 1 or 2 other blacks you can name.  Also, black people have contributed more to this country (past and present) than you possibly ever will, no matter how long you live you pathetic lives.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Senate Republicans Defeat Reauthorization Of Jobless Aid, Tax Cuts

Senate Republicans Defeat Reauthorization Of Jobless Aid, Tax Cuts

So this is what people wanted a reordering of the Congress for: to defeat the low income and the middle class in America. The truth is that somebody did this. We have a bad habit of defeating ourselves on the pretext of overturnin­g the "bad guy" and calling it victory. My concern is that some do not know who the bad guy is. They can be looking at him and not know him. Therefore, they grasp at straws and just "pull one." The people who voted for the people who defeated them of direly needed help worked against themselves­. They work for the richest of the rich by electing the very people who will ensure that the rich (themselve­s) get taken care of at the expense of those in need indeed.

We as a nation need to take responsibi­lity for ourselves and see to it via the poles that those things happening now and will happen again if we make it happen, does not happen again. Who elected the Republican­s who defeat the poor and middle class in this Reauthoriz­ation of Jobless benefits and tax cuts? Who enabled the corporatio­ns, Wall Street, big banks to continue to work for their gain via the Republican Neo-Con and some Democrats, who might as well flip the switch or jump the broom? The people did. So who can we really blame for this stench in God's nostrils but ourselves - by vote or no-vote.

American leaders, in order to try to keep up the intense pretense of being the mightiest Rambo on the planet, rob us in so many uncountabl­e ways while enabling other countries to waste the money we borrow to give to them, while they build up their arsenals, food banks, et al., at our expense. Those truly needy countries get as overlooked as we do in America when it comes to being guaranteed our rights to be taken care of. For example, the desperate situation in Haiti, just as bad as it was in the beginning, but more so because of the outbreak of dis-ease rampant there. But help trickles in at a slow, slow snail's pace.

The sad truth is that we have a blemished view of what taken care of means. It has been pounded into our imperialis­t minds so long that when we think of ensuring our safety and welfare, it means BIG GUNS. Well, some of the biggest guns we should have advocates for are equal, fair, and affordable housing, food, jobs above all in order to do the others, education enhancemen­t rather than cuts for our children who will one day be leaders of this country if they are prepared for it now. We should feel secure in the knowledge that the leaders of this country are for us more than any other entity on the planet because we are their "home."

 If the powers in this country paid as much attention to helping us, for example, in extending unemployment benefits for the millions who are preparing themselves for more hard times, while the RICH are getting theirs as if they are the poor, then those cut off would have some type of funds to count on,  which they have worked for anyway.  This is low down dirty and a grim injustice to the people who elected them and the country they swore to protect.  If leaders do not take care of the people they represent, how can they say they protect and serve?   Militarism is not the only way to protect and serve a country.  It is only one of the needs of a sovereign country toward its citizens. 

I suggest that if we did not look to pick fights with others we don't like (or look for opportunity to seek a fight), we would have better opportunity to look to the welfare of home.  If we did not look for faults where it really is none of our business to look for them; if we did not look at every country as if they cannot get along without us or our input (especially money); if we did not stick our noses in others' disputes when they are sovereign and should be taking care of their own concerns, how much more astute and savvy this country would be.  We would be working diligently to strengthen our own infrastructure. 

Christian Activist Bryan Fischer Blasts 'Feminized' Medal Of Honor

Christian Activist Bryan Fischer Blasts 'Feminized' Medal Of Honor

Which means he's probably got a secret, one he's hiding in his closet - when you read between the lines.  Usually when people feel guilty (hath a demon), needless or not, about something they don't want to face, they look for another demon to put it on.

Christian Activist Bryan Fischer Blasts 'Feminized' Medal Of Honor

Christian Activist Bryan Fischer Blasts 'Feminized' Medal Of Honor

Christian Right Activist Blasts Medal of Honor as 'Feminized,' Sparks Fury

Christian Right Activist Blasts Medal of Honor as 'Feminized,' Sparks Fury

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A Woman. A Prostitute. A Slave. -

A Woman. A Prostitute. A Slave. -

It is naiveté to believe that human trafficking does not exist in America. It is the drug capital of the world, that has been proven.  The whole world knows it.  So why would anyone lull oneself into the idea that this darkness exists only in "other" countries than ours.  There is too much news in documentaries, world news, etc., to keep people abreast of this blight on any civilization, for anyone to be ignorant of it.  Therefore, there is no excuse. 

Only when evils are recognized and acknowledged can any attempt be made to do what one can to rectify the conditions or situations.  Just like parents teach their kids not to speak to strangers, not to take candy or anything else from strangers, surely parents are teaching their children about the dangers of pornography - both sex and drugs.  The only defense is knowledge and accepting responsibility for one's own safety, and one's own "knowing." 

I understand what it means to want to be free.  Yet this young woman forfeited a college degree in a country that we love to call "Communist," by allowing her boredom to land her in the worst kind of slavery that a woman can experience.  When one lives in a country that really believes in education as far as possible (and which makes great strides in a country as huge as China), surely it must not be as detrimental to one's welfare as some like to lead others to believe.   She could still be using her education were she still there.

Instead of this woman's parents and other relatives warning her of the tremendous chance she was taking with her life (although they could have and she ignored it), they aided and abetted her by putting up their homes for collateral.  That should have been a flag that there is smuggling, and then there is smuggling.  This smuggling was not the kind of "underground railroad" that leads to freedom (legal or not), but to slavery of the worst kind.  The smuggling trade is rampant in China, and America, too, as I said earlier; otherwise, there would be no "foothold" or "anchor" or "destination points" to bring slave property to for drop-off.   All over the world this trade goes on mostly quietly whereas the chattel might be among us in plain sight but cannot disclose it for fear of their lives. 

In the end, sometimes we find out things are too easy, even if expensive, and therefore they must be "fishy."  The greatest way I suggest in trying to become a citizen of another country is to go through the process, even though it might be lengthy.  At least it's legal and there is no chance of things like this happening.  It is when we try to avoid the necessity of following the rules for useful gain that we find it was better left alone.  Had she not done this, she and her parents possibly would be happier for it, and maybe sitting somewhere in one of the many McDonalds restaurants found in China, having a ball.   I hope her and others like her the best ever, and that alerts like yours serve as a wake-up call to those who should not even need it.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Napolitano: The Ball's In My Court Now - HUMAN EVENTS

Napolitano: The Ball's In My Court Now - HUMAN EVENTS

Not only is the Legal Affairs female, who is supposed to be professional, nonsensical, but only other people with no aim but foolishness would stay where no sense is being made.  Worse than that, fanciful flightiness is passed as serious factual data.  As the Apostle Paul said about "voices," I say there are all kinds of terrorists in the world.  Ann Coulter is one, the like-minded are others.  The aim of terrorism is to raise terror of some sort.  That is acted out ever so readily by some people in America - and you don't have to go to the "criminal element" to find it, because it's right under the criminal's nose.  

Nancy Pelosi Elected House Minority Leader | Marymhm's Blog

Nancy Pelosi Elected House Minority Leader | Marymhm's Blog

Unemployment Extension Standoff 'A Crummy Deal For The American Public'

Part 2 of 4: service, but are expected to live in filthiness in sickness and in health. They are counted unworthy of sanitary conditions in health facilities among other things. They are denied the benefits they WORKED FOR and for which some died. Who will get their benefits but the Government and the Private Sector, which won't have to build up their pension funds if they have them anymore. They have no recourse to the "better life" they gave their time and lives for (some of us) us to have. But the majority of Americans have not seen a better life in many years. Sadly, too many of veterans escape the poverty of "thanklessness" by finding solutions to their own lack of solutions.

The powers don't care that many in this country are in need of everything including soap to bathe with, if they can find a private watering hole. Those who lie about their care for those they don't care about have no heart, no matter how many tears the new majority leader cries. The bottom line is the unemployed in this country need the benefits that the rich GOP has blocked, while contending they are FOR THE PEOPLE. Why is it that people in this country consider it to be RIGHT AND TRUE that American workers who have toiled for these benefits are considered SCUM if they seek them, to try to provide
About Unemployment Extension
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Monday, November 22, 2010

Unemployment Extension Standoff 'A Crummy Deal For The American Public'

Part 4 of 4: All power has a mountaintop or pinnacle. Once that is reached, there is no way but DOWN (it might be in a day or a thousand years). Our ways will find us out, we are told by the Good Book. They never consider that if grownups don't eat, dependent kids don't eat (unless they join gangs, killing each other by selling drugs for the People in Power until they send them to prison). Some would admit if asked that at least there is food in prison.

Some of Republican zombies all over this country, who have straws (or sand) for brains, never connect the dots. So they have ample power to sway them into the lull of trance in order to put over what they will on the very people they are elected to serve. The word SERVE probably sticks in their their throat, because they are servants of themselves and those like them (the rich, not the poor). They will sacrifice their "poor" relatives because they care nothing for those who are hurting and looking for things to get better. They will get better, but whether Repubs know it or not, they will NOT GET BETTER BECAUSE OF THEM, I venture to say.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Unemployment Extension Standoff 'A Crummy Deal For The American Public'

Part 3 of 4: for their families or themselves as best they can. One of the biggest injustices we face is the idiotic idea that people who have worked for their benefits are not ENTITLED to receive them. What does entitled mean if not that? They are treated as lazy or "thugs." Remember the "thugs" who stood up for their rights in New York? It was all about money the powers did not want the American worker to have. They were right in their demands but the officials in charge of their city's scam called them thugs all the same.

The rich always belittle the working class when they seek their own welfare that they have worked for. One writer called America a Third World Country. If the mentalities who assert their righteousness over anyone else's have their way, we will be a Third World Country, and this PRESIDENT did not create it. Hopefully, the crooks will tell their kids the truth about why they are where they will be by then. They need to look over history.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Unemployment Extension Standoff 'A Crummy Deal For The American Public'

1 of 4: It used to be that this scenario pertained more to jobless veterans before, during, and after the Great Depression, and among the other jobless poor, especially minorities, whom the private sector and the government let become street dwellers, pawns of every kind of evil, some of them becoming like unto it to survive. It is rapidly losing it darker hue. Just as the Devil knows no not for skin color, neither does poverty. The rich found it out during the stock market crash of the Great Depression. They couldn't stand it; many perished because they could not bear the thought and weight of poverty. Imagine. But how quickly we forget!

Had it not been for the enlightened efforts of the Roosevelt era (from whence came the types of benefits we talk about here), it would have been even worse than it is today. Poverty is a subculture more so now than it used to be: the poor are more unhealthy, unsound mentally, due to fatigue of battle at home and abroad. Further, veterans mostly find no sense of place when they return home. If they don't have faithful families or others who love them, veterans really do return to a homeless land, where they are given lip
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sarah Palin Book 'America By Heart' Hits Obama, Defends Actions (ADVANCE EXCERPTS)

Sarah Palin Book 'America By Heart' Hits Obama, Defends Actions (ADVANCE EXCERP

THE HISTORY MAKER: Of course, had the President not made his history, she would have no history. She and the GOP should be grateful to him for that. It is because of him that certain sectors of society have begun to stockpile more guns by whites, set up more militia groups by whites, and gather many ducks in a row in the hopes that he would be no more by now - literally.

COMMITTED MOTHER: Yes, you know her models are Juno and Knocked-Up. It must be admitted, they have come a very long way. There was a time when even TV was an abomination and youngsters or anyone else were sentenced to that dreadful Hell fire if they slipped and fell short of the Grace of God.

Oh no, This is said to be a Glenn Beck sound-alike. Those quotes I suggest will only be the ones she espouses to be like her and her circle. Any others they will endeavor to discredit by hook or crook, stealth even.

THINGS HE SAID IN HIS 2008 ACCEPTANCE SPEECH: I whole-heartedly agree with the words of the then President-elect. That said, I suggest that we give up on ourselves or our ideas and ideals too readily when we feel stymied. Predators can smell that and pounce on it. In reality we are our saviors (and I do not mean in the same way of course as ST. JOHN 3:16 means it). I deem her and anyone else like her QUASI-religious.

Now I'm going to paraphrase Scripture very spiritually and mean it: The Master Jesus said to the 38-year paraplegic rise up, take up his bed, and WALK to his house. In another place he said well people don't need a doctor, sick people do. The physician was told (each individual) to heal himself. That is to say if anything is worth it, never give up on it no matter how feeble it seems. It's only an appearance trying to scare the feeble-minded, which is easy because their immunity is low anyway.

SARA PALIN ACCUSES THE PRESIDENT OF: I suggest there is "a narcissism" running through her party as well as her head. For her to cipher the idea of narcissism out of those words is astounding. There is so much truth in those words the President-elect spoke that some could become uneasy about them because 1) they could feel he exaggerates our worth and therefore won't own that for fear of getting "the big head," or 2) they are afraid of displeasing God not understanding who God is or what he believe about us and tries to teach us about ourselves. But God's teaching is able to make grown-ups of those who strive to "walk" those Principles, and children are easier to manipulate whereas maturity cannot be. Children are loyal and faithful no matter how ugly, mean, and unworthy parents might be unless they break them, whereby they might become psychos and every other kind of ILL WIND.

SLY IS AS SLY DOES: The only practices that should be "antithetical" to American values" should be injustice and all its friends. All the injustices done against the poor in favor of the rich are or should be anti-Spiritual values, since they are anti-Spiritual, -moral, -ethical, and every other synonymous expletives. The ugliness of trying to pass oneself off as truly religious is a travesty. Yet we are told what TRUE RELIGION is, and that is NOT overall an American value, no matter how much these same types of people try to pass this country off as a Christian nation or Nation for Christians.

This oil and vinegar do not mix. If anyone of those who tout that they are so much more Christian than another, James (NT) can tell them what TRUE RELIGION IS: he defined it for us. We cannot do that if we are not for the aid of anyone BUT THE RICH whose only need is to get richer. He had a warning for the rich - the ones in this subject. But they don't care about that; it wipes right off like dirt from the bottom of a shoe.

A SAVIOR: The president never asserted to be anyone's savior, but a hopeful catalyst for change or rather the change agent or agent of change. Therefore, he never "supposedly promised" to be anyone's Jesus Christ, that would be beneath him being the intelligent man that he is. Well, at least she calls him a "wealth re-distributor," not a SOCIALIST, Communist, or Natzi. She really describes herself because when it comes to slyness, she's the "sly practitioner."

Look back over her antics and tactics, and if one is not delusional, it shows clearly her shrewd, sly-fox aptitude. Now think what the implications of this would be for one who might be found stashed in the White House, which she has admittedly deemed dull or something, or very disenchanting next to roaming around in the wilds with the OTHER grizzlies, foxes, and snakes. She prefers that environment to that of the ELEGANT intelligence and beauty that must be at home in the White House, which is the White House itself.

Anyone who is rich and associates helping the less fortunate as a threat to our freedom is pulling the wool over the eyes of those kept in a trance of ignorance for this country's duration. They know if the people of America were to come into their own, they would not have a certain base of "the masses," whom they can manipulate into submission to whatever they put into words.

Also, unless I missed something, and I still have the videos (48 hours, 24 before, 24 after, the election), the President-Elect never mentioned our work was in heaven but here on earth. Nothing is hard in heaven; everything is hard down here or God would never have said it. He (the President) assured us that the work is hard and of long duration. "It won't be overnight," "it won't be easy" I think are some of his almost exact words. Palin and hers cater to gullible people, who allow them to feed them half-truths, innuendos, and outright lies while they hold their breath (a form of sorcery) till they say "Amen." Talk about NON-TRANSPARENCY.

OTHER QUASISMS. When I read this, I thought vividly about people who, in order to mean something to themselves, must somehow demean someone else. We see it in race relations from time immemorial, beginning in reality with Adam and Eve. If my self-esteem depended on my neighbor's lack of it, then my self-esteem is bogus, fraud, a non-entity. If by my acknowledging another's worth I belittle mine, then I never had it. If being able to say I'm sorry about a known wrong makes me less of a person, then I never was one to begin with. If admitting I made or make mistakes means I'm lowered in the eyes of the world, then the world is not WORTHY OF ME.

That could be possible, since in the Book of Hebrews people like some of us the Word said are too good for this world (meaning those who had already died in faith that you and I would be here this day, for example). Palin has a very upside down world view and mindset.

Condescending means the man (Mr. President) must have thought himself above and beyond the little Muslim men of the world, stepping down off his little off-white throne to share with them a shallow platitude he drummed up. No, I suggest. She and her type hate to admit what I just said above, to the point of outright denial hoping it be accepted. Further, I believe that is why they have set out to rewrite things they don't like and tell it their way (retrograde behavior). For example, there is their take on the Vietnam War. That writer set out to prove the Left was the perpetrator of whatever they don't like about the history of the Vietnam War.

I wager without money that they would never humble themselves to openly admit that mistakes and outright crimes have been made and maybe still are, against poor and/or illiterate minorities (remember Syphilis, for one?). They have come against any thing great people can admit. It takes greatness whether we believe it or not to admit its own faults that have hopefully been overcome. If we don't live in the Dark Ages anymore, we should not want to keep up some of its dastardly practices.

Sarah Palin takes feigned offense about the perception of being equated to Nazi Germany during the divisions over the Arizona anti-immigration bill and its repercussions. I am stunned since they just love to ascribe all these names to the President and the administration. I never thought of MSNBC until after the election and heard the conservatives ranting about that media so much. Of course I never watched Fox either, so I didn't start after the election either. They mention that media so they must not have gotten favorable ratings from them. Therefore, she pouts.

"CULTURE CRITIC": The book is not out yet, but I can imagine the idiotic tirades she must have going on in it about the spiritually destitute liberals and possibly even their kids. She is in good company with her friend, Ann Coulter. They have such genius insight as to who is and who is not …. It is truly amazing how powerful they put the Left up to be if it can destroy Religion, which preceded the Left and the Right. But they consider progressives (which means forward, always forward, or it would not be progressive) as living in darkness. I wonder what type of light they live in, since it cannot be the Celestial Light. Progressives are in a terrible two-prong darkness: spiritually lost or spiritual denial. Oh, how I thank God he didn't put the safety of religion in their hands. No one would make it. They probably wouldn't even want to either.

The conservation mindset can be so obnoxious and deficient in all reason so much one hesitates to approach it. Case in point: America is a basket case of many religions, all of whose adherents go to some type of religious establishment. Let the conservatives tell it, only they go to church it seems, and all others don't, as if going to church is a mandate for being Spiritual. Some spiritual people don't frequent where they darken the door because THEY darken the door. "What fellowship does light have with darkness?" the Bible asks. Now that's a thought. Her stake in this culture war falls by its own stupidity. The demons go to church FAITHFULLY. It is not forbidden to them. Spiritually dead or lost people go to church with the Saints if any. They are not forbidden.

That is one of the most absurd statements she has uttered: "as alien beings, people who are "largely poor, uneducated and easy to command…." Thank goodness the majority of educators I believe recognize a higher power than themselves. They know they don't have to verify it with a conservative. No conservative is able to validate him/her self, let alone anyone else. Notice who the helpers of this world tend to be: WORLD EDUCATORS; doctors; some politicians since all are not false or corrupt; people in entertainment, those who have grown out of selfishness and see a needy world, thereby fulfilling their purposes in this world - helps of all kinds. These people are not recognized by conservatives except among themselves. And their names are NOT LEGION.

FEMINISM: The first false statement: where she gets her stats I don't know. She proves she is delusional. The majority of American women are not on the same par with Sarah Palin. The majority of American woman are not rich (MOSTLY WHITE) women, who could if they wanted to, have abortions in private or even help their girls abort (and the world would be none the wiser) and pass themselves off as Pro-lifers; or on the other hand, they could send their daughters off to have their babes in secret, then putting them up for adoption, again, no one the wiser. I can imagine their names are legion, they just don't tell it. Yet no secrets stay hid forever, Jesus promised.

The majority of American women, many of whom work minimum wage jobs, don't have the luxury that conservative women enjoy, not even the majority of poor conservative women. For example, just ask the Appalachian women what they do to make it through a day. Ask them how many times a month they frequent the hair and nail salons. Ask them how many nannies can they afford to take care of their kids as they frivolously waste time because they have it to waste. Ask them how many times they might pray to their God for help with putting food on their table. Their help does not come from big bank accounts. These among others are the majority of American women.

Whether they are liberal or conservative, they are not in Palin's camp. Palin has many choices she can make because she has the means. The majority of woman must choose between minimum choices. If the Palin ilk can receive this, it is the "other" women who had the biggest effect in affording them the rights they treat today as if they always had. The Nineteenth Amendment is not 100 years old, yet people like Palin treat it as if it always has been. The conservative woman did not get that right until the liberal woman got it - not before. If the conservative brain can receive, the majority of people in this country and mostly the world over, are liberal, by necessity if nothing else. They might not be able to admit it openly for many reasons. Also, liberal does not mean to one liberal woman what it might mean to another liberal woman. These pages prove the same is true of the conservative woman, except when they disagree on a thing, one or other is labeled as a LIBERAL, as if that might whip them into submission to the fold. Lord help.

ANOTHER OF HER FALSE STATEMENTS: the two black men she puts up before the world as examples of blacks not considering themselves as victims of racism. Another exaggerated half-truth and misstatement. First, neither of those two men are poor black men. They are men of means and/or status. Of course, they would not feel the chill and sting of racism as readily as a poor black or white man, or a poor black or white woman would. Money makes a change. It might not change a pig from being a pig, but it does enable that pig to live in a better pig sty, and frequent the exalted places other exalted pigs frequent. The insult is that she puts these two men in the same category as all black men. I said about injustice that it is unjust - this is a prime example of injustice in thought and perception.

I am a minority. I have lived with racism all of my life. Yet I am not a victim. I am a world citizen who suffers from the aspects of racism. When I was able to work, I suffered that everywhere I went as did other also. Whether it was in pay relations or anything else, it was there. People still suffer it today and work to overcome the negativism associated with it. Not only those who suffer it but those who do all they can to eliminate it where they can, which is also suffrage. They are many. Many, many have died in this country and over the globe combating racism - all were not black were they? Racism is the victim itself of the need to outgrow itself. As souls increase, it will decrease. Racism is a racist - against anyone it does not want to admit has as much a right to be on this planet as it does. When racism comes to terms with that, it will cease to be a tyrant in its entirety.

Geoffrey Dunn: Sarah Palin Slams Michelle Obama in Racially Charged Passage From New Book

Geoffrey Dunn: Sarah Palin Slams Michelle Obama in Racially Charged Passage From New Book

(This of course will probably get axed but here goes:) A person must be versed by participation in the plight of the ages in human equalities/inequalities. He would possibly concede that no, Madam Obama's comments were not uttered as a racist or by racist attitudes, but rather as a pragmatic minority who is honest and in touch with her feelings. I suggest she is one who is above all sober in her way of thinking. Also, she is one who is not intimidated as some black people are by the sheer magnitude of this subject and their reactions to it. Some people don't get involved in overtly working for their own rights because they don't want the "hassle" of speaking the truth without fear of reprisal as slaves were when slaves were not free. Today we have free slaves who are still not free, mostly by choice. I suggest that is what people like Palin count on (subconsciously if nothing else). That is why so much is said about PATRIOTISM, as if only a certain sector of society can be patriotic.

If patriotism depended on the one-pointed view of some people, there never would have been any amendments to the Constitution initially or thereafter. Further, even the woman who is referenced would not be able to vote or have others vote for her. There are people who appreciate history because it is a good teacher for those who look for clear cold truth and not biased truth tainted with misperceptions and willful ignorance (which also can still be found in history books). This same tactic was used just after Michelle's and my families were emancipated and then freed by LAW, which law is still to this day needed and we know it.
When the rich and powerful lost their free labor among other things, the first thing they set out to do was to divide and conquer: POOR, RURAL WHITE PEOPLE AGAINST BLACK PEOPLE WHO HAD EVEN LESS. The aim was to set the black man up as the "poor white trash's" worst nightmare. That has not changed. I have found in my lifetime that the most prejudiced people are often some of the poorest. But having been born and reared in the country, I have of course seen both of these conditions. If people are honest today, they can see the outworkings of it. Some say this is the "German" in white people. I suggest it is the "history" in those who play that card that Sarah Palin is playing in this subject.

I also suggest that there are those who like to throw out that "card" under different disguises, who think others won't discern its true tincture or concoction. When some do not want others to work on race relations in any situation, they will accuse anyone they want, seeking to paralyze (a scorpion) with the sting of playing the race card. They use that card as if it were a Scrabble piece or a domino to be played at the opportune time. Sarah Palin plays it adeptly and subtly. For example, she and those like her will throw out the name of Rev. Wright in playing this card, as if just to mention his name will 1) make people cower in fear of being misunderstood, or worse than that, 2) make them just plain cowardly whereas they will slink back into corners they never crawled out of anyway.

Many years ago I read one history book, "BLACK RECONSTRUCTION IN AMERICA:  1860-1880," by WEB du Bois, in particular (among many others I read), which made me very aware of this subject, and appreciative of how white people have been manipulated as pawns against black people and other minorities (among others in those days: Jews, Chinese, and other white people even). The rich uses the poor and sometimes ignorant against the poor and sometimes ignorant. Yet I was determined because of two politicians in that book, that I would love the whole rainbow of colors for their sakes as well as that of Jesus. A real study of them made me deeply examine myself because I did not want to be like the prejudice I witnessed against my parents and everyone else like them. Yet nothing was breathed about it except in the safety of the heart or among "friends."

Sarah Palin Slams Michelle Obama in Racially Charged Passage From New Book

I commend you for trying, which makes all the difference in the world. There is a book I mentioned earlier on these topics ("Black Reconstruction in America: 1860-1880"; that is the CORRECT NAME). It graciously deals with the reasons the prison system is as it stands today. The project began during the so-called reconstruction; it is a continuation project designed to enslave ex-slaves and other minorities (especially Native Americans) in one way or another (drugs anyone?).

The ways and means of that project are well-depicted in that book in various places (and is playing out in the lives of many today). We all know the judicial system is not based on equality as yet. Further, its yield is the uneven judgment criteria in crime and punishment. I think that is why books like that one were never circulated in the American school systems much, especially in the South, because they are among the many MUZZLED "light-bringers."

But the Universal Code as I like to think of it is the equilibrating factor, that is, whatever hurts one will hurt the other as much in the long or short run; whatever is good for one (if it is harmless) is good for another; whatever good is withheld from one maliciously will be deducted from the other's pocketbook (whatever it is). We all pay for the ignorance of many; we all reap the benefits of the philanthropically good-hearted few.
About Barack Obama
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Dancing With the Tea Party

Here's hoping all your predictions come true, General. I didn't delve into that scenario. It's like playing lottery - it is too nerve-wracking for me. Good luck. Don't forget if you saw Barbara Walters that Palin said "I think so" when asked if she could beat the President in a 2012 election. To me that was a sure admission that she WILL run for president in 2012.

I hope the DWTS finale ends with worthy dancing taking the trophy. This I believe is a duel between QUALITY and QUANTITY. She has no quality but she has manhandled (or the mama grizzly one) quantity to her advantage, via manipulation somehow. My hope is that quality will win out. Yet, if utter embarrassment happens, I will forgive all those involved in it, because this involves good taste and style in the Arts. I do hope true art wins out simply because it should. If this were a case of the Prince and the Pauper, I'd take the prince this time. That, too, is why I don't watch it except for last season.
About Sarah Palin
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Dancing With the Tea Party

It's just too bad that Americans must seek stars rather than consider themselves as lights they can seek out and better from within. We wonder why our children have such feeble values in so many areas of life. It is not fair, because they see these things in the grown-ups and they emulate those values; thereby seeking out star power too, no matter how corrupt it is or how far below "good" they slighter. So long as they are stars, they must be accepted. This is what they are taught.

I suggest this sentiment is a backlash of early American history when (in reality taking a homeland from the AMERICANS) the people also decried the "celebrity" connotations of "King" and "Monarchy." In addition, they were also stars, and people did and do hold them as stars. It is going on right before our eyes today with the coming royal wedding in Great Britain! We went about to establish tour own types of stars, short of kingdoms of crowns and thrones.
About Sarah Palin
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Carole Bayer Sager: Dancing With the Tea Party

Carole Bayer Sager: Dancing With the Tea Party

This reminds me of one of Homer's epics here & there. I heard a preacher (Apostle Charles O. Miles) that "If we don't stand for something, we will fall for anything." I have said it, say it again: No, young Miss Palin cannot dance, and nobody except pretenders'd say she can except under duress of some kind or to get a favorable recognition of some sort. At least it is a WAKEUP call (as if they needed it) for some to deduce that anything can happen if the right people are behind it - for good or bad. Laziness will not apply henceforward.

Digg - Do U.S. Airport Need Israelification Instead of Naked Body Scanners?

Digg - Do U.S. Airport Need Israelification Instead of Naked Body Scanners?

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Man Shoots TV Because Bristol Palin Still on DWTS | WSAV TV

Man Shoots TV Because Bristol Palin Still on DWTS | WSAV TV

I'm so sorry this gent got that irate about a no-dancing dancer. I bypassed this show because Palin was on it, and the first episode showed she was not a dancer (and I'm sure she won't become one). No matter what lies anyone tells about how well she does, she is not a good dancer. She knows it, her mom knows it, and those who are voting for her know it, too.

This reminds me of some people who, in order to get on the NYT bestseller list or some other list, might go out and buy up their own books to meet the requirement for getting on those lists. Someone has a mojo working here and it is a disgrace to the profession, because those who are worthy of staying and competing with the best, are and have been eliminated, especially Brandy and her mate. Even though ABC says to the contrary, I suggest somehow this show is rigged (that's the mojo - and only those who use it know what it is). The Tea is somehow seeping into the election system - somehow.

Those two (Brandy and M.) are so gracious it is awe-inspiring. Nobody wants to really tell the truth about what an awful dancer this young woman is, as if that will make her a better dancer. Also, that some people pay for their college degrees, is a certainty, somebody must be paying for her tenure on this show, whatever the mojo is. It is so superficial, because she ALWAYS looks as if she knows she should not be there (even while she is dancing), yet she pretends that she is doing well, and blast all the "haters" and etc.

I'm glad the man's wife is okay. I'm sorry too, that he gave up his freedom for a woman who is not worth the time he will spend in prison. Rash judgment never pays good dividends. Never. As for me, I'm embarrassed that such a sophisticated show as DWTS will always be connected with this SCANDAL.

I've heard some say they will NEVER watch the show again, I know how they feel. I only watched it last season because I knew the GooGoo Doll would win - she's a dancer and she won worthily. All last season's stars were worthy opponents. This is the paltriest presentation ever as far as I'm concerned. Brandy and her dance mate should still be there contending. I am not a lonely camper here.