Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A ninety-six year old Florida woman kills her nephew with a 347 Magnum

Someone in the "system" dropped the ball on this old woman.  She should not be in the jailhouse but in some care facility.  Her troubles appeared years ago and she should not have been left to herself as if she did not have age-related maladies.  It appears her relatives were not much help either.  It is very shallow to tout being "scared" of an elderly woman when something could have been done to help her way back then.  She probably is not even aware of what she really has done because she is not in her right mind at this age - whatever state of mind that is.  To be held without bail is elder abuse.  The system should be looking for her a medical facility where she can possibly be helped through this.  Ninety-six years old!  What is the world coming to.  She is held without bail.  What will the cops do with an elderly citizen that old? abuse her? take care of her? find her a safe place to live out the rest of her life?  I hope the latter will be the case.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Thursday, September 22, 2011

The House Bill - They Killed It!


The old adage or proverb is true:  Never count your chickens before they hatch.

Troy Davis' Last Words

Watch Press Conference About Troy Davis' Last Words - Digg

@Ferkel. You say that like there has never been a history of pressure put on blacks to "conform" to others' demands on how they vote. You know better. Jim Crow was as alive then as it is now. Those who don't want to hear about "racist crap" are those who know that it weighs heavily in daily life, the justice system especially. That is an evasive attitude of avoiding truth.

As to what Officer MacPhail said to Troy Davis, it must be nothing since Davis maintained he did not kill the officer. With his last breath he adhered to his initial statements that he did not kill the man. For those who want to believe Davis killed him: he did, even if evidence were presented before their faces. And if you were there, you are an eye witness since you know he killed him - along with some of MacPhail's family members who "know." Only an eye witness can "know" beyond a shadow of a doubt. Peace.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Supreme Court overturns today’s scheduled execution of a Texas x-Army recruiter - Yahoo! News

Court halts Texas execution of ex-Army recruiter - Yahoo! News


The Supreme Court has intervened on this death row inmate’s behalf three (3) times.  Too bad they won’t act on Troy Davis’s behalf. The State of George is bound and determined to have themselves “a hanging” of a sort unless there’s Divine intervention.  Down with the Death Penalty in all of its forms.  People cannot pay for their crimes if murderers murder them.  Injustice IS the death penalty.  

Some people will be paying for crimes they did not commit, but at least they would not be murdered by an unjust and inhumane system of law.  Justice is to make people pay for their crimes if they committed them, and hopefully, they will become better off for it.  Those who would rather see injustice done to others in order to “feel better,” or to feel that they got some closure (translated “revenge”), need to find themselves or theirs, God forbid, in the same shoes of the ones they condemn to death.  Then the understanding might come.  

There is a man on the Texas death row (Lawrence Russell Brewer) scheduled to die in a matter of hours I believe, who admits that given the chance, he would drag a black man’s body around again.  News-Journal.com, a Longview news outlet, says, "'Texas prison officials say the 44-year-old Brewer was in good spirits and joking with officers as he arrived in Huntsville at midafternoon Wednesday from death row at the Polunsky Unit prison about 45 miles to the east.'"  

It could be that he really has no remorse.  On the other hand, however, he could be too ashamed and hard-hearted to confess that he was wrong because that might be too "sissy" to admit.  These types of elementals especially need to live to the end of their days so when they see Death face-to-face, Light might penetrate their inhuman, demonic minds.  Hopefully.  I would not want the blood of anyone, but especially this type of entity, dripping from my hands.  

DEMOCRACY NOW Covering Troy Davis' Possibly Last Hours

From DEMOCRACY NOW.     http://www.democracynow.org/2011/9/21/troy_davis_i_have_been_where    

Someone murdered my brother. I know who they are. We all live in the same neighborhood. I have had the opportunity to care for one of them who was old and ailing. All the while, I knew If I had a chance to see him on death row, I would pray him off death row because I have seen him live his punishment. They were never caught. My brother had no witness except God. They said .... Justice is to live in order to pay for the wrong done to someone else. There are those who never repent of the evil they do to others. Killing them won't change their mind. Yet they have to live with the thought that they in consciousness are less than human. There are no thoughts in the grave.

Countdown to Another Murder in Georgia

Georgia, because of Troy Davis, your souls, and the souls of your advocates (including the "victims") are weighed in the balance. Within the next eight hours, you will kill a man who was PROVEN guilty on shallow evidence. "There is not enough evidence" to convict him, but you overturned that assertion and convicted him to death in spite of it.

I remember a little while ago when California killed Tookie Williams, when there was evidence that could possibly prove his innocence, but it was not accepted. Instead, the then governor, "The Terminator," would not hear of a last minute stay of execution. I watched the execution on television. The last thing one witness said as they left the room was, "You killed an innocent man! That will ring in the ears of the hearers forever unless they really are dead - spirits.

The victims will not feel vindicated as they think they will because they do not care if Troy Davis is innocent or not.  They want someone to die for the death of their loved one. If someone came to them with irrefutable evidence that Davis is innocent, would they accept it? A good question since they want it to "be over."

America is bathing itself in a bloodfest (in all the states that murder prisoners) and calling it justice. We have no right to accuse other countries, for example, China, Iran, or whomever else we do not like, of being torturers.  We torture people and call it justice.  Rick Perry never loses sleep over it as he told someone on the news.  Unless we begin to do things differently, i.e., grow up into mature beings, we will continue to torture citizens and be barbarians, while calling others barbarians.  "When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things" (1 Cor 13:11).  Would that this verse were this country's motto.

Rick Perry – The Uncouth One

I saw Rick Petty on CNN today.  By his words, his incendiary agenda is to foment trouble and more separatism at home and abroad.  Rick Petty is of course not an ambassador for peace.  Instead, his words incite division.  He accuses the President of being, among others things, "arrogant."  The pot once again rears up like a frantic horse and calls the kettle black.  Who is being more arrogant than he is. 

General Assembly - A Priority for Palestine's Plea for Statehood

The priority is that the answer is "no" for those who advocate that Israel continues to "negotiate" instead of honoring the request of Palestinians for sovereign statehood. It will be a negative answer. Oh, and if that does not work, WE are poised to VETO the "yes" vote of those advocates at the UN for a Palestinian state. Israel and its allies are very happy to negotiate years away, knowing there will be no settlement because, as usual, something will impede agreement between the two brothers.  In addition, it will of course be the fault of the Palestinians - or anybody else for that matter. No matter what Israel does, it is the fault of somebody else.  And we back them up.  However, not all of Israel agrees with the unsavory actions of Israel in the name of defending itself.

During the Lebanon war with Israel (or Israel's 34-day war with Hezbollah in 2006), one defense fighter said something that has never, never been repeated or enlarged upon by any media in the world I am sure.  If that statement is wrong, I welcome a correction (that would be so much quicker than viewing the complete war on video in my library): "All of our actions are reactions." That means they do not initiate - they respond to what the occupation does to them, but it takes media to reveal what really transpires. "All of our actions are reactions."  In the last analysis, Israel has its bazookas, air power, nuclear power, and biological warfare supplied by US, and the occupied has more like "home-made" weaponry compared to all that.  No wonder they try to even the fighting field.  

No wonder other nations are doing everything they can to arm themselves to stave off arrogant intruders from somewhere.  No wonder everybody wants a BIG gun and the opponents do not want them to acquire them because they are afraid of even playing fields. Remember the white phosphorus used on the Lebanese? The media really downplayed that too, unless I went to sleep somewhere. It is a pity this protagonist-antagonist factor is not more even-handed. Could that be why there is so much opposition to Palestine becoming a sovereign state? Would not they have standing armies, navies, air forces, and in other words, be legally armed?  I wonder.

An Inspirational Thought For Me Today - Hopefully, For You Too

A thought to guide my day: All things are forgivable except one. As a tree anchored deeply in the ground, be firmly anchored in a pure and forgiving heart. Were we armed with forgiveness like we are weapons of warfare & destruction, they would dissolve into plowhsares.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Pat Robertson says Alzheimer's makes divorce OK - Away With "In Sickness and in Health"

Pat Robertson says Alzheimer's makes divorce OK - Yahoo! News

This is why I am so glad I know Christ for myself. This type of people could not give Christianity to me. I would tell them to keep it and him to themselves. Too bad he does not have a counselor, but he thinks he is right!  He needs a counselor besides himself.  I hope the man who asked this question does not have itchy ears.  He might follow Robertson's counsel.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Fox Sports cancels show after video mocks Asians. They Disregard That They, Too, Came From Afar

Fox Sports cancels show after video mocks Asians - Yahoo! News

And the GOP demands it is morally, spiritually, and ethically fit to run a country.  They are armed and dangerous in more ways than one.  Some people never learn from observation even.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Jada Pinkett Smith And Marc Anthony: What Really Happened?

CC1001. I didn't know JLo and Anthony began a relationsh­ip while he was still married, but I believe his ex-wife was Miss Universe instead of Miss America. I could be wrong though. Also, I figured JLo ran out of eligible Latinos to marry, so she picked him. He looked like a drugger then, he looks like one now. He especially looked like a dreamy-eye­d addict of some sort on HawthoRNe. I had a very bad feeling about it all when he first popped up on that show.
About Photo Galleries
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Monday, September 5, 2011

'The Help' is Still No. 1 at the Box Office in its Third Week. Good Deal

'The Help' puts in overtime at No. 1 with $19M - Yahoo! Movies

Excellent.  I hope to see this movie soon. I just bought the Kindle edition on Amazon.  There are about 5,000 reviews on this book; about 90 reviews on the Kindle edition.  I look forward to reading it as soon as possible.  Maybe I will do a review also.  I usually do for myself.  There are some great reviews on this book, which also comes in audiobook form.  But the nice thing about Kindle is its feature, "text-to-speech," that turns it into a talking book.  Thus the $9.99 Kindle edition is worth it to me because of that feature. 

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Caster Semenya Is on the Road Again, Bless Her

Usain Bolt Wins 200 Meter Final At 2011 IAAF World Championships With 4th Fastest Time Ever (VIDEO)

About Track and Field
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
SoCalNic. You are as wrong as two left feet. Not all people can run; this type of running is not the normal running. That kind of statement would shatter some youngsters­' self-estee­m. E.g, they know they cannot run as fast as, or do some other feat as well as another. Yet, if someone says anybody can do it but they know in their heart that they cannot, who would help them understand that is not true. EVERYTHING takes talent. 

People keep talking about "natural"; what is natural but talent. Everybody is born with at least one talent or many talents. Those talents still must be TRAINED and EXERCISED to be better - increase. The owner of two sprinters (male and female) gave each of them one coin (race, talent, gift) to invest in the future. The sprinters didn't invest them because they were afraid they would lose the coins and the owner would condemn them. The owner condemned them because out of fear they refused to invest in themselves­. Now that is low self-estee­m. 
We easily tag "other" people as "egomaniac­." Were you one. Bolt asserts he is the champion in his area. We know this is not his first game - all people can go by is what was done in the past because there is no future yet. In this day he is a champion (cumulativ­e) runner. It could be he was stating a fact and not self-boast­ing.  Maybe he was; maybe not. God knows.

Usain Bolt Wins 200 Meter Final At 2011 IAAF World Championships With 4th Fastest Time Ever (VIDEO)

@Kara; @Kstoke. I was really enjoying everybody'­s comments (so far) about racing and never gave it a second thought when "race" came up. How can the commentato­rs talk about a white guy or black guy if everybody does not know what color a runner is unless someone mentions it. Then, you throw this in and totally change the subject - RACEing, and take the focus from this magnificen­t runner and those in his field, changing it to your own "oh, no" subject. You remind me of people who want to talk about whatever they want if they can dictate to others what subject not to bring up. For example, some people demand that nobody talks about Jesus, religion, etc., if one wants their company. That really is mighty arrogant (which may never occur to them). They just find they lose fellowship with those who won't be dictated to about what and what not to talk about. Whenever comments like yours come up, I'm reminded of people who want to run the conversati­on in their own direction - whatever it is - adding up to nothing much but silence.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Several NASCAR Drivers Decline Invitation to White House, Causing a Stir

Several drivers decline invite to White House due to scheduling - From the Marbles - NASCAR Blog - Yahoo! Sports

Mr. Burton said, "Maybe we need to look in the damn mirror." Wouldn't it be wonderful if we as a nation didn't so readily unite because of many deaths or other tragedies only, instead of uniting just as readily because of so many lives.  "United we stand, divided we fall."  Hopefully, we will never hear about ourselves that "Babylon is fallen."